16 Alcohol

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I wake up, Michael isn't next to me. What? What time is it? I roll over to the bedside table and look at the clock. It's already 11am? I stretch and get up, I walk downstairs and see Mikey sitting on the couch watching TV. He turns his head, "Oh, good morning honey, slept well?". "Mhm.." I groan and walk over to him. I rub my eyes and cuddle myself close to him. He wraps his arms around me and giggles softly, "You're so sweet after you wake up". "Mhh shut up.." I tell him, hitting him playfully. He chuckles, "Well, are you hungry?". I nod and he lets go of me, "I'll make you some breakfast, okay honey?".

He tries to get up but I hold his arm. "Sweetheart, you have to let me go if you want me to make you food". "Mh, but I don't wanna, I wanna cuddleee" I pout. "So you're not hungry?". "Fine.." I let go of him, "But gimme a kiss please". He giggles, "Of course my love". He leans down to me and gives me a kiss, I grab his face, kissing him back. "Mh~" he groans as I bite his lip. He separates the kiss, "So eager hm~? Let me make you some food first, okay?" he winks at me and walks away. I follow him, "Mikeyy, I want another kiss" I whine. He turns around and giggles, "Can't get enough of me hm~?".

He grabs my face and kisses me deeply. I bite his lip again, I push him against the counter. I hug him tightly, still nibbling at his lips. Mike seperates it, "Honey.. Let me make you some breakfast before you eat me" he laughs. "I'd like to eat you~". His eyes rip open. "You- woah- uhm..". I chuckle and walk back to the living room. I forgot how cool teasing is.
He walks over to me with a plate of food and hands it to me. "Thank you baby". "Anything for you darling, after you eat we're gonna get ready and go grocery shopping okay?". "Mhm".

-later, after eating and dressing

-later, after eating and dressing

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=> at the shop-

"So what do we need to buy?". "Well, I'm gonna grab some stuff for cooking and you can get whatever you want" he smiles. "You're so sweet, I'm not even gonna deny it and just pick something". He leans close to my ear, "That's my good girl~" he winks and leaves. I freeze. Holyyyyy shit. He knows I like it. My face is probably hella red right now.

I walk around the store to find something. I found (snack you like). I need more, if he sees I only got one thing he's gonna go 'Just one thing? Pick more' I already know it. I walk through a couple more isles. Alcohol. I stand in front of the shelf filled with it. Hmm. I don't often drink. Suddenly an idea pops into my head. If I drink enough to be tipsy then I might feel comfortable enough for sex.. That might work.

I pick two bottles. Hmm, Vodka or Tequila? I think I'ma takeee the Vodka. I put the other bottle back and see Mike run into me. "Hey hun, why are you in the alcohol section?". "Well, I thought maybe if I got myself a bit tipsy or drunk maybe, it'll be easier for me to have uhm, sex with you". "But honey, you don't have to do that". "But I want to, the whole time I've wanted to, but I've just been too scared. Probably thinking too much". He sighs, "Well if you say so". I put the Vodka and my snack into the basket. "Is that it?". I nod yes and we walk to the register.

I watch him pay and we drive back home.
We bring the groceries in the kitchen unpack them. "So.. When are you planning to 'get drunk'?" he asks pulling out the bottle of Vodka. "Hm, maybe today still?". I see a small hint of pink blush on his face, "You want to have sex today?". I nod. He moves away from the groceries and walks over to me. I'm already leaning against the kitchen counter and he puts his knee between my legs and rests his arms on each side of the counter.

"You seem to want this so bad.. Tonight will be fun~" he whispers then kisses me deeply. I grab his face and make it deeper. I feel his knee press up against my private area slightly. "Mh~", I seperate the kiss, "Mikey.. Later okay?" I tell him, audibly nervous. He let's go, "Of course honey" he tells me and goes back to unpacking the groceries.

I grab the Vodka bottle and walk over to the living room. I sit on the couch. Mike follows soon after. "You already want to start drinking?". "I guess so, maybe a bit later, can we watch a movie?". "Sure" he says and starts a movie. I cuddle myself close to him. He's so warm.
Midway into the movie, I grab the bottle of Vodka. I try to open it but I'm too weak. "Mikey, can you open it for me please?". He grabs the bottle and smiles, "Sure" he opens it and hands it to me. "Thanks baby" I say and drink some of it, right out the bottle.

-you keep drinking during the movie-

Mike picks up the bottle, "Darling, it's already half empty, are you okay?". "Yes~ It tastes good, should've bought the tequila too". He chuckles, well, you sound like you're a bit tipsy". "I'm not thaaaat tipsy, just a bit". "If you say so" he chuckles and holds me close again. We keep watching the movie and I keep drinking. What if I just drink the whole bottle? If I'm kinda drunk it works too I guess. I just hope I'll remember what we did the next morning. I really do want to know what will happen. Makes me nervous just thinking about it. Welp, that's a sign to drink some more I guess.

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