🌸Giyuu's POV part 2🌺

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HIIII If your reading this I'm so happy that your actually taking time out of your day to read this shitty story it makes me so happy! Now, let's get on with the story!! It might be short so I'm gonna squish in useless information to post on march 14 or 15.  I don't remember were I left off sooo-I'm going by what I think I wrote left-ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

 (remade this! I'm just gonna keep putting this here so y'all know what is remade and what is old from like 2022. Only a bit of a touch up.)


(3rd person POV)

"You look pretty." Muichiro said pointing at Giyuu . "Aw Thank you Mui." -Giyuu. 

"Okay enough chit-chatting! LETS PLAY SOMETHING ALREADY!" Zenistu yelled as he was getting up with Inosuke agreeing. "NO it's gonna ruin Giyuu's hair!" Aoi and Kanao said simultaneously, also standing up. The four were arguing until Genya stepped in and said, "STOP! What if Giyuu just sits out! Then we can all play while Giyuu watches us!"

Everyone that was talking went silent as they thought  if they should agree or not. Although Genya thought they were mad at him so he sat back down. 

Tanjiro broke the silence saying, "That's a great idea Genya!" The others looked at him making Tanjiro nervous and thinking he shouldn't have said that but still has his smile on his face. 

And then, "Okay" Aoi said. "We can go with that right Kanao?" "Mhm" She nodded back. "Now, what about you guys?"-Aoi. They nodded back. "okay now what should we play?" Aoi asked. "TAG" Zenistu said tagging Genya and then ran away. "Huh?! Hey wait! I wasn't ready!!" Genya said getting up and running after Zenistu. 

"nooo, gen-gen comebackk!"Muichiro said when Genya went running away. 

After a little (A  minute) Genya tagged Zenistu and ran away. "HEY! That's not fair!" Zenistu yelled while running up to the group laughing at them. "KANAoOoOoO!" Zenistu said running up to Kanao who ran behind Aoi. "Oh, AOoOoOi!" *Running up to the girls* "GAH! GO AWAY!" Aoi and Kanao began running away from Zenistu. 

*panting* Wha-wait,*wheeze* WHY ARE YOU SO FAST!" Zenistu said obviously out of breath from chasing the girls for 3 minutes straight. "YOU WANTED TO PLAY TAG!" Aoi said holding Kanao's hand while running to Giyuu who was still siting next to the blossom tree talking to the others about random stuff. 

When Zenistu caught his breath he walked back to the group siting down.

They sat there chatting away while having some of the food Nezuko and Aoi prepared. They were having fun until they saw Muichiro's and Giyuu's crows fling towards them.  

"CAW CAW! HASHIRA MEETING! MEET AT UBUYASHiKI'S ESTATE" said Muichiro's crow, Ginko. Ginko landed on Muichiro's right shoulder. Mean while Giyuu's crow said,

"CAW-MEETING-UBUYASHiKi-CAW!" landing next to Giyuu. Such a old bird, he still gets the gist tho.

"okay we'll be there in a bit." said Muichiro petting Ginko as she made a proud face at being praised.

"mhm" said Giyuu holding his crow in his lap and petting him. "lets go Mui. I'm pretty sure were gonna be late if we wait any longer." exclaimed Giyuu while getting up walking away with Muichiro. "Bye guys meet you later after the meeting!" Said Muichiro following Giyuu.

____________________When They Got there_________________________

(Giyuu's POV)

I was gonna walk through the gates when I realized that I still had the braid and flowers in my hair. "Muichiro I need to take these off before we go in." I thought he was gonna wait for me too take the flowers off when he said, "No, keep them on. They look good on you, plus Aoi and the others would be sad that you took them off." I sighed knowing he was right about the last part so I kept them on. 

He went in before me. As I walked in I noticed Shinazugawa staring at me with wide eyes. He was next to Iguro who was giving me a glare and turning back to Shinazugawa. I was looking back at Shinazugawa, I didn't even notice that I smiled at him, the only thing I thought of was that he was slowly going red. I thought he was sick and was about to go up to him when he turned away immediately! I was kind of worried that he was sick hut iguro was there. A few seconds later One of Ubuyashiki's elder daughter came in and announced that master was coming. So I got to my place, it was a regular meeting but I couldn't get my mind off of Shinazugawa the entire meeting. I just then realized that, Shinazugawa might have been blushing!? Wait, that couldn't be true the only person he was looking at was me... *Starts turning red*

SK(Shitnobu/Shinobu Kocho)"Tomioka-san? Are you okay? You're turning red." She whispered to me with her teasing smile, knowing this was the perfect opportunity to get me to open up and tell her what happened.

GT-"yes, I'm fine." I whispered back in my monotone voice.

____________________After The Meeting____________________

I was walking back to the blossom tree with Muichiro to meet the others again. When Muichiro asked, "Giyuu." "yes?" I replied back. "Do you like anyone?" I froze in my spot and turned red when he asked that. "well, do you?" Muichiro questioned. "N-no. Why would you asked that?" "because I saw you blushing at the chihuahua." I giggled a little because he said Shinazugawa was a chihuahua. I then realized he said I was blushing at Shinazugawa when we entered the gates. I stood there frozen and blushing hard because of embarrassment. Ya right. He continued to drag me forgetting what he just asked.



I'm not gonna check if I made any mistakes because I want to continue the story so bad. Yea, I don't have chapters already filled out, I make up every chapter as I go. These next 2 chapters are gonna be long I think and I only have about 5 hours a weekday to write a chapter and this was meant for tomorrow. So It's gonna take a bit and i'll post at night.



Word Count: 1073

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