🍃Finding Out🌊

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Bruh, I have to go back to the first chapter to find out were I left off.(/// ̄皿 ̄)○~

And I'm having the courage to write again yay (/≧▽≦)/


(Sanemi's POV)

"SToOoOoOoP!" I tried to yell but I was being shacked harshly by Misturi. I was gonna push her away but then I remembered Iguro and Kocho. If anything happened to Misturi they would beat me up until I was a pulp. I felt nauseous and dizzy from Misturi shaking me. "FuUuUuUcKkK!" I thought this was never going to end when Misturi FINALLY let me go. And said, like nothing happened,

(3rd person POV)

 "KYA! I'm sorry! I'm just so happy that you like someone again!" "Wait how do you know I like someone? I only told you that I had a feeling?" Sanemi asked. And Misturi replied with, " Well it's easy for me! Because I'm the love pillar! I could tell if you are inlove are not with just one look and YOU had all the symptoms! Blushing, nervousness, and if you were gonna talk about plain old feeling you wouldn't have asked to be alone with! Also I think I'm the last person you would go to for advice except love." Sanemi had a surprised look on his face because he wasn't expecting Misturi to have said all of that and it actually making sense.

 Misturi was proud that she could make Sanemi realize that he was inlove. But she became curious of who Sanemi loves and so she asked, "So who do you like???" She was expecting Sanemi to not answer her or bark back at her saying that he isn't. But what Sanemi said surprised her but also made her squeal in joy. "Umm-uhh- I-UGH!" STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY. JUST SAY IT ALREADY! He thought clearly having a angry expression. And so he yelled to Misturi. 

"I LIKE TOMIOKA ALRIGHT?!" Misturi sat there looking at Sanemi. Sanemi thought she didn't like him having a crush on giyuu, so he calmed down. But when he calmed down Misturi began squealing. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!! YOU LIKE GIYUU! THAT IS AMAZING! YOU TWO WOULD LOOK SOOO CUTE TOGETHER!!!" Sanemi sighed in relief but when he thought he was safe Misturi leaned over to him and gripped his shoulders she said. "Shinazugawa, listen here. If your gonna confess to Giyuu than you should fix your attitude towards him. If you yell or insult him more I don't think he's gonna like you back." What she did made Sanemi actually get kinda scared of her. Her glare was scary as hell, and her voice was deep and not in a happy tone anymore. Sanemi knew about Mitsuri's strength and he didn't want to get beaten up because he had a mission ,or whatever they called it, this night. So he just nodded back, "mhm" And then she went back to her normal happy self and sat back down. "OKAY! make sure to apologize to him! I got to get going now. You can leave now!" 

But there was a problem about that. Sanemi didn't know how to apologize to Giyuu because he doesn't even now anything he likes so he can't give him anything. And he doesn't now if Giyuu even wants to talk to him. 

But he went home anyways, there was no one who can help him with apologizing except Giyuu's close friends, the kamaboko squad. So he thought he could ask them if one of them could help, but it was evening already. He has a mission to complete before he can ask for help. So he walked away to where he was assigned too.


HIII hope you enjoyed this part!

It took me bit too long because I was running out of ideas on what to do in this chapter. At first it was gonna e about 300 words but I added some more things and BOOM I got 600 words. (✿◡‿◡)

...this chapter looks short on my laptop. Is it short? I'm pretty sure it is.

Have good morning/evening/night! GOODBYE!!! <33

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Word count: 670 

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