✨The Date💖

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There might be a smut chapter in the next part or a few parts after that. So you have been warned before hand.

Also, I've been really busy in school so it might take a week or so for each part now. 



After that night, Sunday night, Giyuu couldn't keep his mind off of Sanemi and their date on Saturday. Even on missions he still had Sanemi on his mind. He tried playing with the kamaboko squad to keep his mind busy, it worked but after they play Sanemi immediately came to mind. He was lovestruck the whole week. When it finally became Saturday Giyuu began to panic and asked for the Aoi's help. Aoi agreed and got him a plain teal kimono. He put it on and he loved it. "Thank you Aoi." Giyuu said getting up. "Oh what time is it Aoi?" Giyuu asked. "Uh...it's bout 1 am Giyuu-san." Aoi said. "Okay, thank you Aoi" Giyuu said putting his hair in a bun. I wonder when Sanemi-kun is gonna be here. Giyuu thought and ironically someone knocked on the front door. Giyuu walked out of his room and to the front door. He opened the door and it revealed Sanemi holding some flowers. "Tch. You look good." Sanemi said blushing and looking away. Giyuu smiled and walked out of his house. "You look great as well."  Sanemi turned around and gestures Giyuu to follow him. Giyuu happily walked beside him to where Sanemi planned to go.

"So where are we going Sanemi-san?" Giyuu asked while they walked. "It's a surprise~" Sanemi said looking at Giyuu. *Sigh* "How much longer till we get to the place?" Giyuu asked. "Soon." Sanemi said. The place Sanemi wanted to take Giyuu to was a field of flowers he found. He found it just a few days ago and thought that Giyuu would love it. 

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, and there was so many bees out for it is spring. They walked for a few minutes before getting to the field. Once Salami saw the field he told giyuu, "Giyuu. Can you close your eyes for a bit?" Giyuu looked at him and nodded. When Giyuu shut his eyes Sanemi took his left hand and guided him to a blanket on the field. Giyuu could feel the soft breeze hitting his eyes. Flowers and grass brushed over his ankles as they walked. Sanemi then told Giyuu to sit down. He sat down on blanket underneath them. "Okay, you can open them now!" Sanemi said sitting down beside Giyuu. When Giyuu opened his eyes he saw a field full of variety of colorful flowers and large grass. The forest boarded the field like a wall, not one tree could be seen in the field. It was bright but beautiful Giyuu was mesmerized by the view until he felt something being put in his hair. He looked at his right and saw Sanemi putting blue and white flowers in his hair. Giyuu and Sanemi's eyes met and they sat like that for a minute before Sanemi looked away in embarrassment. Giyuu felt nervous but he was confident enough to lean a little it on Sanemi's shoulder. Sanemi noticed this and laid them both down on the soft gray blanket. Giyuu's head was now laying on top of Sanemi shoulder. Sanemi took this opportunity to wrap his arm around Giyuu. Giyuu noticed but didn't mind he was overjoyed of what was going on. Giyuu turned to his side, he was now hugging Sanemi's side a bit. Sanemi looked at him, their faces were inches away for each other. It felt like the whole world slowed down at that minute. 

Sanemi stared at Giyuu's ocean blue eyes, and Giyuu stared back at him. Sanemi then leaned forward, Giyuu leaned in too. The gap between them was filled. Giyuu closed his eyes and turned his head, Sanemi deepened the kiss and closed his eyes as well. This feeling was wonderful, they both didn't want to end it but they pulled back to catch their breath. (I don't know how to do kiss scenes okay!?) "So, Giyuu, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Sanemi asked breaking the silence. "...Maybe." Giyuu whispered, looking away. "Is that a yes?" Sanemi asked again. Giyuu nodded and went flustered. Sanemi smiled and pulled Giyuu into a bigger hug. Giyuu wrapped his arms around Sanemi's neck and buried his head in his shoulder. The two laid there after sharing the short but wonderful kiss. They admired the clouds passing by and talked about all sorts of things. Sanemi sometimes teased Giyuu by pecking his lips. The time they spent together felt short but in reality it was long. After 3 hours of spending time together they saw the sun was going to go down in a bit. Sanemi and Giyuu stood up and went to Sanemi's estate. Giyuu sent his crow to tell the kamaboko group that he was gonna be coming home late and Aoi was in charge till then. 

Giyuu and Sanemi sat on a couch and talked some more. They soon were wrapped in each others arms. They shared some kisses but didn't go farther than that. The sun was now setting meaning Giyuu would have to leave soon. They both got up and walked out of Sanemi's estate. Sanemi walked Giyuu all the way home. Once they arrived Sanemi asked for his goodbye kiss. Giyuu was flustered by how much affection Sanemi needs in one day but he sighed and gave Sanemi a peck. Sanemi became a bit mad and begged for a actual kiss. Giyuu giggled and gave up, he gave Sanemi a long kiss. He pulled away and they said there goodbyes, they also planned their next tiny date. Sanemi then left and Giyuu walked in his house. He was greeted by the kamaboko squad hugging him. They asked if the date went well and all sorts of things. Tanjiro though, just stood there a bit mad by the fact that Giyuu went on a dat with Sanemi. It was normal for him to be mad at Sanemi now so the others were unbothered. Giyuu answered their questions and told them everything. 

It was soon night and they had a meal that Aoi made. They said their goodnights and went to bed. Giyuu laid in his bed thinking about the date. He couldn't believe this day came. He was overjoyed but fell asleep soon. He couldn't wait for their next date. 


HEYYYY!!! I hope you liked this part!!

Have a good morning/evening/night!!! Take Care!! <33

Word Count: 1105

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