Chapter 31

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In response to the repair request, the owner, unable to secure a buyer for several months, finally agreed to lower the selling price of the restaurant. A few days later, the sale was finalized, and it became a cause for celebration. Kara and Bethany threw a party with their friends, all of whom were intertwined with their personal lives. They introduced Abigail as the newest member of their family, Bethany's little sister. Abigail appreciated being introduced like that and felt fully accepted and included.

The music, laughter, and food had a positive impact on Abigail, who quickly found herself embraced by several individuals. Her schedule filled up with invitations to exciting activities, like learning to surf, going on boat rides, visiting iconic Los Angeles spots such as Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Boulevard, and the Walk of Fame. She also had the chance to explore museums, like the Museum of Selfies, where she had a great time during her visit, and promised herself to return someday with Tilly. Abigail sometimes felt overwhelmed by all these opportunities, but whenever she caught Bethany's affectionate gaze on her, she felt at ease, accepted, and fully integrated into the group.

Bethany snapped multiple photos of Abigail throughout the lively evening. Once the event came to an end and they settled in a quiet corner with drinks, Bethany pulled out her phone and showed Abigail the pictures she had taken. Abigail had a hard time recognizing herself in these snapshots. Where had the girl with the gothic style, the dark mood, the reticence, and the constant defensiveness gone? In her place, she discovered a smiling Abigail, her budding tan emphasizing her newfound vitality. The rings, earrings, and piercings that used to define her had disappeared, making room for the most beautiful of adornments: a genuine and infectious laughter.

As the photos scrolled across the phone screen, Bethany murmured in a soft voice, tenderly wrapping her arm around Abigail's shoulders, "So here's Abby. I love this new version of you, it radiates happiness. Keep being yourself, because this Abby, she's stunning."

"Thank you, Beth. For all of this," Abigail said, extending her arms to encompass the whole space around her, "you can't imagine how much it means to me."

"Yes, I do. A few years ago, I was where you are now. Someone took care of me, just as I'm taking care of you now. It's my way of paying it forward in karma."

Kara had returned home to work on the restaurant's paperwork and permits, leaving the evening for Bethany and Abigail. Bethany asked Abigail to grab a jacket, then she brought out the Harley-Davidson from the garage. She rode it to a spot that continued to captivate her imagination. Abigail held on tightly behind Bethany, admiring the cityscape, taking in the landscapes that unfolded before her, until Bethany stopped and turned off the engine. From behind the giant letters forming the word "HOLLYWOOD," Abigail had an unobstructed view of the illuminated city. It was an awe-inspiring vantage point she couldn't deny. Bethany snapped a photo of Abigail, adding a wonderful memory to her album. Seizing the moment and the setting, Bethany decided to share her past with Abigail, so she could understand where she came from and the challenges she had faced. Abigail listened intently, a hand covering her mouth in horror, her eyes widened with astonishment, tears silently streaming down her cheeks before she enveloped Bethany in a tender embrace. No words were exchanged. As they got back on the motorcycle to head home, Abigail held onto Bethany tighter than before, not because she was cold, but as if she was trying to absorb some of Bethany's strength.

She looked at the city in a different light, as well as at Bethany and Kara. Once the Harley was parked in the garage, Abigail placed her jacket on the back of a chair and rushed into Bethany's arms, catching her by surprise. Although her words were interspersed with sobs, Abigail let her wounded, tainted heart and soul speak out. Her story was much darker than what Bethany had imagined. Abigail's stepfather had adored her. He had entered her life when she was just seven years old. Since her biological father's departure – the man who had left one morning to buy milk and never returned – she had encountered several fleeting father figures. But Simon had stayed longer than the others. He was kind to her, buying her dolls, books, and walking her to school. Abigail had eventually come to regard him as her father, having only vague memories of her own.

There were gestures, signs of affection that she took for a game. And then, one evening when her mother was working, it happened, for the first time, partially, because it hurt her, but completely the second time. Abigail couldn't see anything wrong, Simon explaining to her that this was how babies were made. Abigail loved Simon, maybe even a little too much. The marks of affection became less and less discreet as she grew older. And then the fits of jealousy kicked in when she started hanging out with her friends and having a boyfriend. She lived by giving herself to both, weekdays and weekends, like joint custody. When her mother, Elleen, found out what was going on under her roof when Abigail was sixteen, she hadn't been a virgin for five years, so Elleen chased Simon away. She resented her daughter for "stealing" her man, plunging into alcohol and food deprivation.

Abigail had then focused on her studies, carrying on with her life as best as she could. However, she still maintained contact with Simon. As she gained more independence through a job and moved into a small apartment, Simon's behavior became increasingly possessive. He monitored her comings and goings, spied on her friends, and would show up unannounced when her boyfriend came to visit. It was during a violent argument one evening, as he demanded more and more from her, that he struck her. He had forced his way into her place, waiting for her after her work. He slapped her, demanding explanations for her lateness, demeaning and humiliating her. He asserted that they would now have unprotected sex so that she could give him a child. Abigail had vehemently refused, declaring that everything was over between them, that Simon was definitively out of her life. Enraged, he had violently grabbed her and hurled her to the ground, causing her to crash against the kitchen counter. Abigail, her face covered in blood, managed to struggle to her feet, a burning anger rising within her like a volcano on the brink of eruption. It was at that moment she had seized the first object within reach, a hefty ashtray where she typically placed her keys, and had turned to defend herself. Upon seeing Simon sprawled on the floor, injured and bleeding, she had fled, leaving everything behind.

Bethany hadn't said anything, waiting for her to finish her story before simply continuing to hold her in her arms and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Am I a bad person?" she cried, tears streaming down her face.

"You have nothing to blame yourself for, little sister. You were young, without a father, and he took advantage of you, manipulated you. You absolutely should not blame yourself. My heart aches for you, Abby. But I am so proud of you, you took back control of your life, of yourself. You didn't choose the easiest path, but you didn't succumb, you rose again with incredible strength. I admire you and respect you immensely for that, Abby."

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