ch. 17

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  As I'm sitting there at are desk in the corner of are bedroom that we use for grading and paperwork. I spread my thin lightly toned legs wide, my sweat pants around my ankles and with the love of my life between them. I start to grade class 1-A's last test. I cast a look down at sho loving seeing him like this on his knees, tied up, vulnerable and giving me all of his trust. Him knowing that I will take care of him, take care of everything that he needs mentally and physically. I completely ignore him as I start grading the tests it is difficult as I feel his lips move around my shaft and occasionally he moves his tongue to wrap around my tip, up the vain or the slit there. I want to take my hand and run it through his silky black hair and force him all the way down to my pelvic bone taking all of me in that hot wet mouth of his. I won't do that though because this is for him what he needs. Time passes as I'm getting to the last test it's been a couple hours so I start running my fingers through his hair.

  "How are you doing kitten? I'm almost done with grading and then I need to start dinner."

  In lue of answering he hums causing vibration all around my rod hard dick pulling a moan out of me and causing me to tighten my grip on his head.

  "I know you want to stay there but we need to check on izuku soon. Can you be a good kitten and suck sir off while I finish up here?"

  I phrased it like a question but we both know it wasn't. And with that I go back to finishing the last test as I feel him take all of me in his mouth before pulling up and sucking as hard as he can. His tung slides up the vain of my shaft, up the slit and licking up all the precum as he pulled off looking up at me the hole time. He starts bobbing his head up and down while hollowing his cheeks out to pull more from my tip. running his tongue along the vein and up to the slit every time so he can taste the precum causing him to moan.

  "Rut against my leg like the needy cum slut you are. A good kitten working for your milk."

  I demand as I moved my right leg in-between his legs and against his clothed erection. He lets out a whiny moan as he rubs against my leg in time with his deepthroating. this goes on for several minutes until I finally grip his hair forcing his head all the way to my pelvis my tip very deep in the back of his throat cutting off his airway as I cum down his throat and he greedily swallowed every last drop before licking the tip clean. As he's swallowing I feel his body go tight, his eyes closed as he cummed in his pants.
I run my fingers through his hair one last time before gripping it making him look at me.

  "After I stand up you will stand up and turn around so I can untie your hands. After you are untied, change into clean clothes, brushed your teeth, go to the bathroom, then you will go into the living room. If izuku is up you will spend time with him and make sure he is okay while I cook dinner. If he is still asleep you will sit down at the coffee table and work on grading your students assignments. That is all you are allowed to do unless you are going to the restroom. Once we retreat back to our bedroom you are to grab a bottle of water with a squeeze pouch before going to the bedroom, strip before kneeling by the bed facing my spot and wait for me. You are to put the blindfold on, the pillow under your knees and your hands behind your back."

  I tell him sternly. He nodded reminding me of a bobblehead. I move back and stand after pulling my sweat pants up and he soon fallows just as instructed. I untie him and after he leaves to clean up I placed the ribbon back in it's spot before heading to the living room. I look at the couch with a still sleeping izuku he rolls over burying his head onto the pillow facing the back of the couch. With that confirmation that he's still resting I finish my walk to the kitchen. I don't feel like doing a lot of cooking tonight it's been a very long week so I just pull out some eggs, sliced ham I plan on dicing, a green bell pepper, milk, sweet onion, and sliced bread all from this morning then add bacon, sausage, and rice. At this point I'm throwing some stuff together hoping it's good but just a little different from this morning I don't want to make a hole new meal tonight. So a omelette is the plan for dinner tonight it's quick, easy and delicious.

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