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   I wake up in a dark room and I can't remember where I am. I start to panic and frantically look around as I try to sit up in a very uncomfortable bed. I hear someone next to me move so I whip my head around to see who it is. My eyes take a second to adjust to the darkness in the room but I see it's Aizawa.

'O, thank goodness, it's just Aizawa sensei'

I think. He moves his chair closer to the bed and moves his hand behind me to start rubbing up and down my exposed back and before whispering

  "your safe, I got you, just listen to my voice and slowly breathe in for 3 seconds and out slowly. In hold for 3 seconds and out slowly. I'm here, do you remember where you are?"

  After he said that everything started coming back to me and I started trembling and nod that I remember. "That's good" he said to me

  " please ppp please don't lll leave me. I'll be good I promise ju ju just pp please don't leave me." I managed to stutter out. I'm petrified that he will abandon me once he knows how dirty and used I am.

  "I'm not going anywhere I'm staying right here with you." I tell myself I want him not to touch me but my body just melted into his touch. I started to relax, my battered body slowly stops trembling but now I realize how much pain I am truly in.

  "Owe owe" I cried out.

  "Are you okay? what's the matter? are you in pain? where do you hurt? do I need to get the nurse?" Aizawa says so fast I can barely keep up.

   " I iii I hurt please mmm make it ss stop." I stutter out with tears in my eyes threatening to fall. Aizawa quickly pushes the red call button on the bed to inform a nurse that we need help.

   "Yes, what can I help you with?" "Midoriya is in a lot of pain and he needs more painkillers!" Aizawa tells the voice of the nurse.

   "Okay, I will send a nurse in right away."
  As we wait a couple of minutes for a nurse to bring in something to take the pain away aizawa keeps rubbing my back trying to help me calm down because I'm still having trouble breathing right. At this point I'm not sure if my shortness of breath is because of my raised anxiety or what my attacker did to me. She finally came in and scanned my medical bracelet then entered the code for the pills into the computer. After completing all those steps she hands me the pills with my cup of water.

   "Ppp pills, please no please nnnnoooo no nooo nnnnoooo mmmm more pills." I cry out I can't, I just can't take anymore. I'm shaking like a leaf, starting to rock back and forth while pulling at my fingers.

   "Midoriya, they're just for the pain that's all. Nothing more. But you need to take them so you can stop hurting. If the pain doesn't go away you can't rest and if you can't rest it will take you three times as long to heal. If you don't get better you can't leave the hospital." Aizawa sensei tells me sternly but full of concern.

   "Jjj just for the pain nnnn nothing else nnoo no uuummm." I say before stopping mid sentence to ashamed to finish. I take them in a shaky hand and take them while repeating in my head just for the pain there for my pain. She gives me a smile sad smile before telling me to try and rest before she leaves the room. I slowly and carefully lay back down with aizawa sensei's help. I have tears in my eyes when I realize that I really needed to hug him I needed to know he's here with me and I'm safe.

  "Sensei uuummm can I ask you something?" I ask scared of his answer. I really don't want to be a bigger burden than I am already all because I couldn't protect myself.

  "Yes, what is it midoriya?" He asked me.

  "Well umm I just ummm. Will you hold me. I understand if that's too much to ask for and you will say no. I probably made you mad and uncomfortable I'm sorry. I just. Never mind I'm sorry forget that I said anything. Please don't be mad at me." I start mumbling freaking out that I made him angry towards me. I don't want him to hate me anymore then he does I know im the problem child always causing him problems and getting into trouble.

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