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 I was in a sitting position on the bed not realizing how far away I had shifted from the sleeping kid. I'm not really sure how it happened since when zashi had first arrived he still had a tight grip on my outfit. It has only been a few minutes since I was able to calm down from the shocking possibility of me being a biological father all these years to one of my students. I hear midoriya whimper and then start to move in his sleep I realize that he's having a nightmare. Slowly as not to wake him I lay back down and pull him closer to me like we had been before zashi joined us in the hospital room. I start to rub my hand up and down his back try to soothe him and hoping it pulls him out of The nightmare before it wakes him up because he needs all the sleep he can get. it seems to relax him to some degree but he's still shaking ever so slightly. I see his hair in his face covering his eyes so I ran my fingers through it moving it out of the way pulling it behind his ears. As I was moving it the motion seemed to calm him down even more so I moved my hand through his hair a few more times to see if I can get him to drift back into a soothing dreamlike state. After about 5 times of me doing that he is peacefully sleeping on my chest at least for now. "How are you so good at this? you comforted him right away." Zashi asked me. "I don't know. I just automatically started rubbing his back earlier and it worked so I just did that again. I then moved his hair out of his face and it seemed to relax him so I went with it." I tell him truthfully

---------------time skip 7:40A.M.-----------------

I wake up again but this time because I needed to use the bathroom. I have a little trouble detaching from the sleeping form on me before getting up trying not to wake him. After using the restroom I leave his room walking down the hall to the nurses station and ask where I can get a cup of coffee. She tells me there's a door down the hall, the second one to the right. After acquiring the coffee I walk back into the room with my husband and student/ soon to be ward still sleeping. I take the couch so I don't wake them from their restless slumber. I start drinking my hot coffee, my life juice. 'this depreso needs an expreso to get through this shit show.' I think. the cups weren't very big so I grabbed two just in case.
I am halfway through my first cup when the kid sits straight up with a loud agonizing scream. I'm up and by his side in a matter of seconds. Zashi jolts awake at the sudden noise, in less than 30 seconds a nurse comes in to see what happened. I get on the bed and wrap him in my arms holding him against my chest, Im slowly rocking him side to side. "Shh, it's okay. Your safe now. It was just a dream. I've got you. Shh. Listen to my voice slowly breathe in, good now hold it for 3 seconds one, two, three, good, slowly breathe out great, okay, again in count to three out." I repeat over and over till he slowly stops shaking and is breathing evens out. As I'm whispering this he's sobbing hysterically and starting to hyperventilate. "Izuku, listen to my voice can you tell me five things you can see?" I asked him in a low calming tone. He's having a panic attack. As I'm holding him and talking to him in a soft low tone I rub his back but it only slightly helps. So I hold his head against my chest and rub his hair back over and over to my surprise this works much faster than I expected. In minutes he's calming down. "I sss see, mic, you, ttt the blanket, the ddd door, and mmm my hands." He finally whispers. "That's good, you're doing so good, now can you tell me four things you can feel?" I asked him. "Iii i feel the sheets, yy your arms, the IV and and tthh the pillow." he tells me. "Okay, now what are three things you can hear?" "Umm your voice, your heart and noise outside the door." "You're doing good, now what are two things you can smell?" I feel him relaxing a lot more and I'm just so so thankful I learned this when we took in Toshi. "You, and my my breath." "What is one thing you can taste?" "Blah, too much I can taste too much can I brush my teeth ppp please can I brush my teeth? I think I'm okay now www well at least bb better. Thank you, thank you, so much." I just smile "I think that's a good idea.
I then look up to see the look of fear in Zashi's eyes he's trying not to cry and so am I. The nurse asks midoriya if he is in pain and he gives her a small nod before burying his head into my chest trying to hide from everyone and everything.

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