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"That's it! I've had enough of you Jeon! You're fired!" The old man yelled.

Jungkook scoffed, shooting him a few nice fingers at him before leaving to his apartment. He was getting fired once again. This was his fifth job. They all fired him.

I mean it's not Jungkook's fault he doesn't allow any dirty old men cat call him. Jungkook didn't hold back on all his replies.


Sometimes he would even accidentally spill their food or drinks on them when he worked at restaurants. That would show them Jungkook would always think.

For some reason in every job either some women would try getting in his pants, and the men tried as well.

I mean being pretty and hot at the same time was a flex. Too much of a flex sometimes. Jungkook had a the most prettiest face, with his small waist anyone would die for, well defined shape and his thighs. Who wouldn't want him?

Jungkook however didn't want anyone at the moment. He was single, living his life as much as he could. He only let the people who he could trust in his pants and it wasn't many.

He had just moved into a new city and his apartment was empty. The only thing he really had was a mattress and an air humidifier. Two of them actually. He was always sensitive to smells.

Jungkook knew many people, with a face like this, he was bound to be popular. He hated the attention he would receive in highschool.

He wasn't in college, he was living his life as I said. A 20 year old, trying to live his life.

His friends, Yoongi, and Seokjin were the only real ones as Jungkook put it. They too were very handsome men. And Jungkook would tell them, he had no shame. Especially Seokjin, would that man go off on how he looked like an actual god.

He decided to call his friend Yoongi once he got home. Yoongi luckily always welcomed Jungkook in his arms giving him whatever and never scolding him.

"Heyy, Yoongs, so I got fired again but don't worry I'm already looking for a new job!" Jungkook proudly said before Yoongi could get out a Hello.

"You got fired again? Let me guess you want to eat at my place cause you have yet to have a stable job to maintain your well being?" Yoongi replied.

"When you put it like that, that sounds fucking depressing but yes, you got it right champ!" Jungkook giggled, sitting down on his mattress.

His home really did look depressing, maybe he should do some shopping some day. Jungkook probably should've the first thing he bought this apartment. He just never wanted to spend his money. Jungkook grew up rich, even after his dad kicked him out once he turned 18. That led him to take the money his mom gave him in her will, when she died. Which was enough to buy two houses.

The money he bought for the apartment was his hard work during those five jobs he had. He wanted to earn it him self, it was a very nice apartment. Two bed rooms, two bathrooms, a nice living room space, kitchen was well designed, along with the balcony. Yet nothing was in the Apartment.

He had just moved in a month ago, and he wanted to start from scratch. The only things he brought from home that was furniture was a mattress. A twin sized mattress that didn't have a frame.

"  What time are you coming over?" Yoongi knew jungkook, they had been friends when Jungkook was a junior in highschool.

"Well more preferably at six so you have plenty of time to make an extra plate."

"Sure I'll invite Seokjin over as well." Jungkook smiled.

"It's a little get together! Look at us who would have thought." Yoongi sighed on the other side.

"Okay kook, I'm leaving since I have to make two extra plates now." With that Yoongi hung up on him.

Jungkook and Seokjin knew eachother first. When Jungkook was in highschool he ran into a 19 year old Seokjin. Like actually slammed into him, spilling Seokjin's slushy he had in his hands on Jungkook. He had felt bad and asked to pay for it and after that they clicked, hanging out when they had the chance. Seokjin already knew Yoongi. They were a duo before Jungkook. Seokjin had decided to introduce him to Yoongi. They were a perfect friend group and Jungkook couldn't ask for more.

"I really do need furniture huh." Jungkook spoke to himself, getting up.

Maybe he should go shopping. He had five hours until he went to Yoongi's place. Maybe he should go to IKEA but at the same time, there's the internet.

Jungkook picked the internet.

Grabbing his computer, pulling up the site. The IKEA furniture names were always so weird. He never knew how to pronounce any of the names.

Why couldn't they just said Brown Wardrobe instead of some magical shit, Jungkook thought.

He decided to go with a modern look. His colors were black and white. Jungkook spent a good two hours doing each room of his apartment even getting some kitchen supplies. Jungkook thanked his mom for leaving him so much money.

His furniture was going to come in a couple days. Jungkook was very pleased with his purchases.

After decorating his home, he should invite his friends over. They still haven't, yet, been to his apartment because it had no furniture. But now everything will change.

Two hours left, maybe he should arrive early and help Yoongi out. Or he could take a nap and relax.

He chose the second option.

Heart Broken -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now