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It was officially the next day. Jungkook got out of bed-going into the bathroom. It was nine in the morning. Jungkook hoped Jimin was maybe eating breakfast before leaving. Jungkook exited the bathroom, stretching as he walked to the kitchen.

No sign of Jimin.

Jungkook sighed, he wasn't surprised. Yet he still hoped he would catch Jimin and eat breakfast together. He was always gone without a trace. Jungkook hadn't even gotten the change to say good morning ever since they've had the stones.

Jungkook was curious to where Jimin leaves to and what he does that makes him not comeback until night falls.

It frustrated him so much. He basically knew nothing about Jimin. Only the things he's told him. In the beginning of getting the stones, they did talk a lot. However it seems to have changed. Jungkook would try to pry more about Jimin, which was always shut down. All he wanted to do was talk and get to know him better.

He sighed while pouring his cereal in the bowl, he still had to tell Jimin that he wanted to go back to work. The thought of asking made him anxious. Every time he tried, his hands would shake, he didn't know why.

Back then Jungkook used to get panic attacks when he lived with his dad, but that went away right after he moved away. From time to time, Jungkook would get a bit more anxious even when living alone. Even so, it seemed to have progressed with the fact that Jimin will probably never go away. Or any of this new world.

He needed to distract himself with what the agenda for today. Get groceries for dinner was top priority, and figure out what's for dinner. That should probably be first on the list. Should he try lasagna? Jungkooks only made it once with his mom and brother. He smiled at the fond memory.

That's what I'll make

Jungkook grabbed his phone soon showing an incoming call from Seokjin

Jungkook answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Kook, what's up?" Seokjin asked on the other line. "Oh and Yoongi is also on the call."

"Im right here, but go ahead tell us how it went!"

"It was-" Should Jungkook tell them the truth? He wants to, but she didn't want to worry them. So should he lie? He just doesn't want to cause commotion with his damn feelings. "-great!"

He decided to lie.

"We had so much fun at the arcade, he won , me a plushie. And then we went to eat and talked a lot. I think it was a win for me honestly." Seokjin squealed.

"I'm so happy for you! When will the second date be?" Yoongi asked.

"I dunno we haven't decided on the date." Another lie.

"Kook you will officially have a boyfriend soon." Yoongi implied.

Jungkook's face became red," woah now we haven't even kissed so maybe tone it down. "

"Yeah before he is jungkooks boyfriend he has to go through us first Yoon."

"Your right, next date at my place." The two laughed.

The three chatted until they needed to go.

He felt bad. Jungkook didn't know why he lied. He was just scared. Scared that he was gonna make a mess. Just like he always does. He needed to keep whatever he was feeling to himself, so he can figure it out on his own.

Jungkook distracted his mind as he got up, he started doing chores around the house. He continued until he sat to watch a show. It was about time to go to the store, he put his shoes on and left.

He had a list of ingredients on his phone of what to get for the lasagna. He arrived at the store getting a shopping cart. There was a lot of people, kids with their parents, teenagers, old couples, and more. Jungkook wondered if any of them were demons. Why was he even thinking about that? He brushed his thoughts aside, walking towards the pasta section. He looked at his list and began grabbing the ingredients.

He reached another section, he began looking for a certain spice. Jungkook looked up and down not finding it. His eyes widened in excitement when he finally spotted it, until his phone buzzed. Jungkook burrowed his eyebrows, seeing it was a text from Jimin.

Won't be able to make it tonight, don't make dinner for me

Jungkooks face dropped. He had to be joking. Should he ask why? What was going on? He didn't want to pry and just sent a k.

What was the point in being here. Jungkook was getting tired of how Jimin communicated to him. He should've told him sooner, so he wouldn't be out to get ingredients for dinner.

That's when it hit him, why should Jimin even care about how he treats Jungkook? Jungkook has no right to get mad at him. Jimin has every right not to tell him where he goes and what he does. It's none of his business. It's his crush for him that makes him feel like he needs an explanation.

Jungkook sighed, trying to compose his thoughts. He will just buy the ingredients for now and make it tomorrow when Jimin is there. He went to go checkout, going home right after.

Jungkook will just make a cup of ramen for himself while watching a show before he heads to bed.

He does exactly that, makes his ramen and sits on the couch. Choosing out a series on Netflix. It had been some time since Jimin texted him. He wonders when he'll even come back. Jungkook needs to stop thinking about this and heads to bed.

The next day passed by, Jungkook guessed Jimin arrived and then left in the morning. Another day without him present. Will he at least be home for dinner? What was going on lately? It seems like before getting these stones they were closer now, Jimin just vanishes and comes back when he's hungry, what was his deal?

Jungkook had to get his mind off of all this, deciding today was the day he was going to get job applications. He'll just drop the bomb at dinner today. He got ready, wearing a jacket as the days went by the colder it became. It was autumn and the leaves were falling. He went into the city, walking around and seeing if any coffee places needed someone.

By the end of the day he had acquired 8 job applications and a few shopping bags fillled with clothes and accessories. Every time he explored the city, he loved entering the cute shops on the streets. He couldn't help it.

He smiled, satisfied with himself as he began walking to his car. He noticed a man just laying on the wall near his car. Who could it possible be? Maybe a demon- wait not everyone is a demon Jungkook.

It was probably someone who was just chilling there, and Jungkook was right. He entered his car and the man could careless about him. Without realizing it, Jungkook had became more paranoid about the other world that lives with humans. He wonders if the government knows. All these questions yet none of them can be answered.

Not even the question when will Jimin comeback. He needs to start on dinner once he gets back. Jungkook played music as he made his way back to his apartment. Traffic taking up his time until he had gotten to his place.

No text from Jimin today meaning he was going to be here for dinner. Jungkook got out of the car getting the bags and heading upstairs. He opened the door hopefully Jimin was there. But he was met with disappointment. He wasn't home yet. Jungkook huffed, putting the bags on the counter. He went in his room changing out of his clothes, gettting ready to cook what was supposed to be yesterday's dinner.

Jungkook began cooking taking him 50 minutes to finish. He set the table and placed a lid on the food so it wouldn't get cold while waiting for Jimin.

Time passed by and still no sign of the demon. Jungkooks stomach grumbled, he was waiting for Jimin to come back so they could eat together.

Maybe he'll come in a few more moments.

Or maybe not.

Heart Broken -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now