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Jungkook woke up, his head pounding, feeling a sharp pain on his arm. That's when a wave of nausea hit him, making Jungkook run to the bathroom.

Jungkook sat on the bathroom floor checking his phone, noticing the messages and miss calls from his friends. It was currently five in the afternoon. Was he really passed out for that long. He sent a quick message to his friends, making sure they don't have to worry anymore.

Jungkook had a massive headache not remembering much about last night. He only really remembered the attack. Yet some parts were still foggy to him.

He wanted to get that out of his mind, deciding to take a shower because of how bad he reeked of alcohol. One thing he didn't notice was the new necklace on him. He did however see the bandages on his right arm and his head.

He took them off carefully, he got into the shower feeling the water sting on his skin. He stood there for a couple of minutes before actually cleaning his body.

Jungkook got out of the shower, drying himself and being careful of his injuries. He grabbed his first aid from under his bathroom, noticing the almost finished bandages. He used them up wrapping his head and arm.

That man really engraved his nails into Jungkook. He saw the severity of his arm and how deep the cuts were. He immediately covered it up remembering the fear he felt.

He changed and made his way to the kitchen where there laid the pain killers he needed for the massive headache. He walked down hearing voices in the living room.

He got closer, seeing the three other demons siting.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jungkook stopped in his tracks trying to remember when they showed up last night.

What he did notice however was the expression Jimin had in his face. It wasn't a "oh your up" but a "I'm going to rip you to shreds" look. Jimin was pissed. Not just pissed he looked the angriest he could have possibly been. His jaw was clenched and he could see the veins pop out of his face.

"I don't know how stupid you could be, but that stunt you pulled last night had to be the most stupidest thing you've ever done Jungkook seriously!" Taehyung exclaimed.

He also looked angry. Did him sneaking out really cause something?

"Do you not fucking think?" Namjoon spat. Now he was on his ass too. What was so wrong with him trying to go out? It started pissing Jungkook off.

"I'm sorry but nothing even happened? And whatever did happen was taken care of wasn't? Or am I wrong?" Jungkook angrily said rubbing his head. "Fuck," he mumbled holding his forehead. How bad was this hungover? His head killed him. Has it really been that long since he last got drunk? Is that why it hurts so much?

Jungkook walked towards the medication counter grabbing the pain killers. What he didn't know was Hoseok and Namjoon were yelling at him. Jungkook only heard ringing in his head, too busy paying attention to his throbbing head.

"Do you realize the amount of damage you did?!" He finally heard Namjoon.

"Fuck off." Jungkook yelled holding himself by the counter.

That's what officially set Jimin off. "You don't have the right to be yelling at my friends after what you fucking did." Jimin bursted, being infront of his face. "You put not only me but you at risk! Do you know the amount of chaos you've created? Do you not know the amount demons swarming this area! You don't ever fucking think do you Jungkook!"

Jungkook held his breath.

"Not only that but how could you be this fucking stupid! Yet I look at you and realize no matter what a human like you would never understand! Maybe your father was fucking right!"

Heart Broken -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now