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"So you finally find a time for us, took you this long, and at what cost?" Seokjin sighed drinking his latte.

"Hey I'm here now aren't I?" Jungkook hit Jin playfully.

"Yes, and we're glad you finally took time out of that busy schedule to be here with us," Yoongi added.

The three had been at their usual hangout spot ever since they were younger. They've been going there ever since 16-year-old Jungkook bumped into Seokjin. This was the place that made their friendship happen.

Jungkook made a hangout date the next day after Jimin told him he could roam around as he pleased.

It had been two weeks since that argument. The demons apologized and so did Jungkook. He had felt bad, but they were all on good terms.  His wounds had healed, yet he had a nasty scar on his arm.

These past days had been different ever since the two could go off without each other as long as they wanted. Jimin had been in and out of the apartment. He wondered what Jimin did, he could never ask him. He felt that would spark an argument.

I mean they were okay, he just didn't want to push his buttons. Jimin and him talked about how to properly use these stones. To be sure the stones don't break, they set a schedule. They must be at home together at night. Unless they have to do something then exceptions are made, of course, both of them have phones, and Jimin messages him if he isn't going to arrive or if he is going to arrive late. It always made Jungkook sad when he missed it.

Most of the time Jimin had always made it to dinner never failing to talk and getting to know Jungkook better. It made his stomach flutter. They've grown closer.

Too close.

Jungkook thinks he's developed a crush on him. And it doesn't seem like a small one.

That's what he wants to tell his friends to see their opinions on what he should do.

"Earth to Kook!" Seokjin flicks him, breaking his trance.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought."

"If you keep thinking your brain is going to explode," Yoongi stated, drinking his coffee.

"Anywho, I asked what you've been doing aside from work?"

"Well, honestly nothing much."

"Really? You say nothing but we haven't seen you in what like a year!" Seokjin scoffed.

"It has not been a year! It was, actually how long has it been?"

"A think a month or more, you've been so preoccupied," Yoongi replied.

"Oh my god it's been more than a month since-" he realized how long he had spent with Jimin.

"I have something to tell you guys." Jungkook blurted out. The two perked up. "I want you guys to be very honest."

"If you don't spill."

I have a big fat crush on a guy named Park Jimin.

Jungkook wanted to say that but he couldn't, he just simplified it.

"I think I have a crush on someone."

The two looked at each other. "Now who is this lucky guy?" Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows.

"Stop he, well I met him through work, and well it's been going good." Has it though? Did Jimin even consider him a friend to begin with?

"If you don't give us details."

"We've hung out a bunch of times."

We hang out every day if we're being honest

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?" Seokjin yelled out, having other people at the coffee shop turn.

Heart Broken -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now