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Jungkook blinked.

So much for not rejecting him.

"Why not? It'd be fun plus we can also eat out! I need a break from making dinner if we're being honest." Jungkook felt embarrassed for even begging, why did even listen to his friends. He knew Jimin was going to say no.

Jungkook was definitely yelling at them later.

"Go with your friends or something," He felt dumb.

Jungkook didn't want to ask again, but he had an idea. "Fine I'll ask Taehyung or Hoseok to go with me." That's when Jimin widened his eyes.

"Take your own friends."

"I would've, but they're busy, why do you think I asked you. I'll just ask them to come with me." Jungkook tried acting confident, maybe Jimin would change his mind.

Jimin sighed.

"Fine I'll go with you, but I'm not paying." Jungkook grinned.


"This is what you call paradise." The two stood in front of the Arcade, it's bright beaming lights from inside blinding them. Many people from young to even a couple of older gentle men played.

"Have you ever been to an arcade?" Jungkook asked, his doe eyes looking at him.

Jimin nodded no, in awe of the place. Jungkook chuckled by his reactions soon stepping inside. Jimin followed him to the coin machine.

"What are you doing?"

Jungkook inserted the bills, coins falling down rapidly," I'm getting tokens for the games! You can't play with your actually money, you use these from the arcade place to play." He grabbed them, suddenly pulling Jimin towards an arcade game.

Jimin looked around the place, noticing there were different types of machines.

"Let's play this one!"

It had been a hour or so, the two weren't counting. Jimin and Jungkook played so many games, enjoying themselves. Jungkook didn't want this day to end.

The two were currently playing a claw game. Jungkook fell in love with a plushie, wanting it for his bed. He tried getting it, however he failed multiple times. Surprisingly Jimin offered to help him.

"Go more to the right." Jungkook said as he directed Jimin.

"Is that good?"

"Just a bit more-Okay! That's it!" Jiming pressed the button, the claw coming down. They intensely watched as it picked the plushie up, waiting for it to fall. Yet it didn't.

"You did it!" Jungkook smiled wide. Jimin grabbed the plushie from below also smiling.

"Here," Jimin handed the plushie to Jungkook, " Thank you so much."

Jungkook eyes sparkled with excitement, Jimin chuckled," Come on, we've been in here for so long, I'm starving."

"What should we eat?"

"Whatever you want." Jungkook didn't know why that sentence made his heart beat faster. 

They ended up eating at an Italian place that was five minutes away from the arcade. The waiter had already taken their orders, Jimin was on his phone while Jungkook tried to figure out what to say. He wanted to continue the vibe they had going on. He wanted to try and get closer to him.

"Did you like the arcade?" He asked.

Jimin looked up from his phone," I never knew a place like that existed honestly, I would definitely go again with the others."

"So you had fun?" Jungkook looked at him," yeah it was fun." Jimin nonchalantly replied getting back on his phone.

What was his deal? They were literally smiling together just a couple of minutes ago yet he couldn't even spare a happy response? Who was so interesting that Jimin couldn't take his eyes off that phone? What was he texting about? He thought they were having fun. Jimin didn't even glance at his phone while they were at the arcade. Why is it different when they're face to face?

"Here are your plates! I hope you enjoy!" Jimin slightly smiled at the waiter, finally putting his phone down.

Should Jungkook start another conversation? Would that be weird because they're eating?

"Are you not going to eat?" Jungkook was too busy with the thoughts in his head, he didn't realize Jimin was talking to him.

"Oh yeah," he began eating.

Jungkook, Jimin doesn't like you, stop acting like he's interested in you. He's only here because you begged.

A nauseous feeling overcame him. He wasn't wrong, why was he worrying about someone who doesn't see him as nothing but the person who screwed up his life. Why should he even be happy to spend time with Jungkook. How could Jimin possible like him. All Jungkook wanted to do was go home. To get in his bed and sleep away the thoughts.

Jimin noticed the sudden shift in mood as he watched Jungkooks expression sadden. Even so he did nothing, eating in silence.

"Ready to go back?" Jungkook nodded.

They got up, the silence following them in the car ride back to his apartment. Once they got home, Jungkook immediately went into his room, tears beginning to form.

Why was this happening to him? He couldn't tell Jimin how he felt, imagine how awkward that would be. Jungkook didn't know what to do with these feelings. Especially with how Jimin acts. He has a different personality everyday. One day he's nice and caring and the next he just doesn't care about him.

Jungkook didn't know when he became so emotional, usually to cool off he would walk at night but he couldn't.


He can now.

Jungkook didn't think twice, he grabbed his shoes leaving for a stroll. He breathed in the fresh air, smiling to himself. He didn't keep track of how long he had been out. He should probably head back just in case Jimin realizes he's gone. Jungkook sighed to himself as he walked back.

He opened the door, silence. Jungkook took his shoes off going into his room. He's going to call his friends tomorrow to tell them what happened.

And maybe try to figure out his emotions.

Heart Broken -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now