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Just some days ago I was writing up my literature thesis for a philosophical book which has drawn my interest and taken my attention fully.
And now here I am...
Adorned in this satin smooth strapless white immensity.
My hair which were upto my shoulder blades done up in a hair bun with some strands of my hair coming out of the wrath of the prickly clutcher.

The hair stylist sprayed some hair spray, as she applied some glossy hair serum on it and curled them.
"The few strands of hair dangling down here and there. Even though it's messy it suits you so well!" My mother said covering her mouth.

My head covered with a white veil with a tiara hair pin at the top.

"Please get up..." The lady helped keep the lower part of the gown in place as I lifted it up to wear my white heels. I let it down slowly as she started fixing my dress.

"Smile please!" The cameraman snapped away photos as I smiled, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. As soon as the cameraman left I breathed out regaining my composure.
"Y/n...we have the car ready in the back just in case. We are letting you be since it was your decision but don't be afraid. We are here for you" My friend Chayeong encouraged me and I nodded.
"Yeah! Even if you change your mind while walking down the aisle, don't think twice. Just turn around and make a run for it. We will help you run away!!" I smiled, this time a genuine smile. I looked up and saw how much my friends cared for me.

"Thanks...." That's all I could say, my throat was getting jammed as I held back the urge to cry. I cannot break right now. I have been strong all this time. I cannot fucking do this right now.

Blinded by the many lights the church was decorated with, I was greeted with hundreds of people looking at me with three ladies behind me, fixing the gown as it swept the carpeted floor. I smiled just for the sake of it, my grip tightening around the bouquet I had in my hand.
After walking a short distance, my father came forward sticking out his elbow gesturing me to take his arm. I slowly put my hand around his as he smiled a bittersweet smile at me.

Two little girls in front of us were throwing flowers, making me a flowery path to walk on. My father looked ahead, facing the altar where my groom and the Pastor waited for us. That's when my eyes caught the sight of the groom. A handsome man, smiling at me sweetly holding out his hand towards us. I was surprised when I saw him as I wasn't expecting to be married to him. As we reached there, my father made me let go of his arm and placed my hand on this man's hand gently. Then clasped our hands together for a brief moment, looking at my husband-to-be with tears welling in the corner of his eyes. The man nodded and whispered a "I will take good care of her sir" as his gaze shifted to me.

The service went on as we repeated some things as directed. At last we read our vows to each other. He then took the ring and slid it onto my ring finger.
"Do you, take Ms. Yoon Y/n, as your lawfully wedded wife, Mr. Kim Taehyung?"

"I do" He said without hesitation and now it was my turn. My breathing was unsteady as I picked up the ring, my friend looked at me worriedly. I then placed it on his ring finger.
"Do you, take Mr. Kim Taehyung, as your lawfully wedded husband, Ms. Yoon Y/n?" He asked and it was as if my breathing stopped. I looked around and saw my friend sitting in the crowd. When she saw me hesitate she got up, her eyes still on me as she moved past the people. Probably going to take out the car. But then I looked at my parents who stared at me, looking as joyous as ever.

I gulped down as my lips quivered when I opened my mouth.
"I do..." I let out nervously staring at how my hands were in his. I then looked up to Taehyung as he smiled.
"By the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon me, I pronounce you wife and husband!"
"You may now kiss the bride!" The Ordained announced as I stared into Taehyung's eyes. He leaned in gently planting a kiss on my lips. I heard camera shutters go off and then he pulled away. A thunderous applause erupted, everyone cheering for us.

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