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Chills went down the spine of the maids when Y/n said that. With such cold gaze filled with contempt, a look they have never seen on their mistress's face before.

Right after Y/n left Taehyung came down looking at his phone.
He gave the maids a smile and wished them good morning.
"Where is Y/n? I assumed she would be here..." He said looking around the kitchen which made the maids realise Y/n didn't have breakfast and left just like that.

The Head Maid blamed herself for being so caught up in her feelings that she had forgotten to serve her breakfast and rather even spoilt her mood.
"I'm afraid it is my fault Young Master. She left without breakfast" The Head Maid confessed and Taehyung frowned.
"Why what happened?" He asked and all the maids became scared.
"We....we just asked the mistress if she meant it what she said last night..." The Head Maid continued upon being urged by Taehyung.

When Taehyung let out a long sigh they got very scared that they have now upset the Master of the House.
"Well what did she say...." He said after a long pause which came as a surprise to the servants. Just as The Head Maid was about to speak Taehyung held his hand up to stop her.
"Actually it's fine....I know what she might have said" he replied buttoning his coat.
"I will take my leave now" he said walking towards the exit.
"But Young Master the breakfast!"
"I don't have appetite" he replied walking away as the maids followed.

At around 4 in the evening Y/n came back home. They greeted her and apologised to her if they had upset her. She said it was nothing like that and forgave them nonetheless. But then she didn't came out of her room until around 7 p.m. when she had gone up to the main bedroom. Then she came down and went to the kitchen.
She cleared her throat and began.
"I'm heading out. Please don't make dinner for me tonight" She informed turning around, wearing her converse tops and leaving.

Taehyung on the other hand, had come back home early today, so he could plan something to please Y/n.  On his way home, he saw a shop which reminded him of something.
"Wait. Turn the car around and stop at that store" He commanded and the driver obeyed swerving the car around.

"Welcome back Young Master" Taehyung was greeted by the maids like usual. I was hoping Y/n would come greet me but of course she wouldn't, he thought.
Taehyung nodded and stepped inside looking around.
"Is Y/n in the bedroom?" He asked turning to them.
"Oh she isn't home Young Master" The Head Maid replied and Taehyung frowned.

"Did she mention where she was going?" He asked and they shook their head.
"She just said not to make dinner. Seems like she won't be back early" The Head Maid replied and Taehyung's hands slumped down to the sides. He looked down at the paper bag in his hand.
"I see..." He mumbled turning towards the direction of the stairs.
He started walking to the room when he remembered something and stopped.
"Right I forgot to tell you" he started turning around to face the maids.

"Please refrain from lighting scented candles in our room. Most people like it but Y/n gets a headache from the candles due to its overpowering scent" He said and the maids looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah. I have bought this aroma lamp, I will keep it in the drawer under the TV. Use this from now on" He showed them the paper bag walking towards them. Then he thought it fit to explain them how to use it.

"First, plug this lamp in, then there will be a small tray, put it on top of the lamp. There will be some empty space above the lamp so you will figure it out. At night, only one drop of lavender vial. Lavender is overpowering as well so just one drop. For the zesty scent, two drops" he gave them thorough instructions before walking up to the bedroom.

After Taehyung freshened up, he waited in case Y/n suddenly changes her mind and eats dinner at home. He wanted to have dinner with her. But she was very late. And what was more embarrassing is that he didn't have her phone number.

When it was getting late and it seemed like she won't come, he just ate alone. But he still stayed up. Waiting for her to come back so they can sleep together. He was lingering around the living room when he heard passcode being entered and the door opening. He went up to the door. She was taking off her shoes. Wanting to ask why she was so late he opened his mouth but then closed it knowing what her reply would be. Taehyung frowned.

"Where were you?" He asked pushing his hands in his pockets.
"Don't worry, I wasn't screwing off with anyone" she replied staring at her phone screen. Taehyung smacked his lips.
"Well that still doesn't explain if you were out on a date" he replied in the same tone as her.

"Don't you dare think I'm like you. I was just hanging out with my friends in the game room" she snapped at Taehyung while his frown got deeper.
The maids were not liking this sudden shift in their Lady's personality.

"Also next time, don't enquire about where I was or what I was doing. I'm not obligated to tell you everything"
She walked up the stairs leaving Taehyung behind.

Taehyung followed her up to the bedroom. She had already gotten into the shower. So he sighed and laid on the bed waiting for her. She came out but went to her phone instead.

"I told you not to say things like that in front of the maids" he started and Y/n exhaled.
"I also asked you if you didn't trust your maids enough" she replied and Taehyung massaged his shoulders. For some reason they suddenly seemed stiff and the muscle pain was more evident.
"Don't worry, they won't say a word. They are loyal to you" she said putting the phone down and going in the walk-in closet. Then she came back carrying some bottle and went towards the bed.

"Take off your shirt and lie down on your stomach" she said to Taehyung and he stared at her questioningly.
"Just do it!" She said annoyed and Taehyung pulled his shirt over his head and threw it a side. As told, he laid down on his stomach. Y/n sat at the side of the bed, poured body oil onto a her hands and massaged his shoulders and spine.

"Well why the sudden kindness princess?" He asked and Y/n pressed down on a muscle harder making him yelp.
"Call me princess once again and I might break your arm" She said and Taehyung immediately acted upon it.
"Yes ma'am"

Taehyung didn't want to push any more buttons of Y/n's. The fact that she was doing this was beyond amazing. He felt there was still hope that he could undo the mistakes of his past and perhaps Y/n would then forgive him.

"Ah ahh ouch! That hurts what are you doin- AHH!"
"Damn you are weak"

But it seems it will take quite some time.

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