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The next day got very hectic. The interior designers came in to have a meeting with Y/n so they can see what kind of style she liked. She had a whole design in mind to their surprise.
"You are into maximalist?" They asked genuinely surprised and she nodded.
"I can tell where you surprise comes from. Most people are into minimalist decor" she said and they nodded.
"Well since we have your detailed insight, we'll get to it as soon as possible" They slowly rose from their seats. Y/n got up as well, shook hands and saw them off.

After that she decided to get ready and go to Enigma, the magazine her office publishes. She needed to talk about allowing her to work online from now. However no one was expecting her.
"Y/n?" My boss said and Y/n nodded laughing at her boss's reaction.
"What is this? Why are you all so surprised?" She said as a junior came upto me to hug her. She missed Y/n alot seems like.

"Well we thought after you married a big shot like Kim Taehyung, you would be out on a honeymoon" Jina, one of Y/n's colleagues and mentor said to her in a teasing manner.
"It's nothing like that. Taehyung is really busy with work" Y/n said and they started teasing her.
"You really sound like a wife now. 'He is busy with work, he barely has time to make love'" another of her co-workers mimicked and she smacked his arm out of annoyance.
"It's nothing like that!" She replied.
"Ooohhh so he is busy but he has time for that?"
"Oh come on that's not what I meant!" She shouted this time and the whole office roared with laughter.

"Your ring is so pretty" all of Y/n's female co-workers were gathered around her desk staring at her ring.
"It's rather simple though...."
"The engraved design on top makes it unique though"
"Yeah I wonder if it's on his ring too"
"Omg, that would be so cute" others agreed while they kept talking.
Y/n on the other hand, recalled an old memory which made her really melancholic.

"If one day you marry....what kind of ring you want?" He asked as we stared at the blue sky of the summer.
"Platinum. I know it's expensive but if we two try, we can get matching platinum bands" I replied breathing out. The atmosphere was relaxed and I was at ease.
"Why not a diamond on top?" He asked again and I shook my head.
"I don't like stones on top. I like a normal band of ring. If it's for the wedding, even more of a reason to have just the band. It looks elegant and less extravagant" I replied.
"Won't that be too plain?" He said probably imagining it.
"We can have something engraved on it. Like each other's name or the date on which we are getting married or even some designs on top. Anything but a stone. I like it that way"
"Who is 'we' in here?" He asked and I got annoyed.
"All you do is ask stupid questions all day! Just leave me alone!"

"Y/N!" Someone snapped and Y/n blinked.
"Sorry, I spaced out" she replied and they nodded.
"It's fine, you can barely sleep because you do it all night. It's fine" they said and she sighed.
"I told you it's nothing like that!"

As she trudged back home she took off her ring because she wanted to confirm something. She looked inside the ring to see his name engraved on it with the date of their anniversary opposite to his name. She sighed putting it back on.
He remembered.....

She snapped herself back from that moment. I cannot let myself be swayed by it. He is a different person now. No actually. He was always like that. We just didn't know each other. And we still don't.

She went back home and the maids hurried to greet her.
"My Lady! Young Master is back!" The Head Maid exclaimed and Y/n raised her brow in surprise.
"This early?" She mumbled and the Maid lead Y/n to his office.
"He is in there" the Maid said gesturing Y/n to knock.
"Oh but only his secretary and assistant are allowed in there right? I shouldn't go in there then" Y/n said turning back when the Maid stopped her.

"Oh no My Lady, I'm pretty sure Young Master will let you in!" The Head Maid said as she knocked on the door and Y/n panicked whispering to the maid not to do it.
"Its fine My Lady" the maid whispered to Y/n when a voice floated out from the other side.
"Oh Young Master, it's me. Lady of the House is back!" She announced and
Y/n facepalmed.

There was silence on the other side for a brief moment before the door flung open.
"Y/n is back you say...oh welcome back Y/n" Taehyung started but then noticed his wife standing near the Head Maid.
"I will take my leave now Young Master" the Maid bowed as Taehyung replied with a "sure" as he grabbed Y/n's wrist and pulled her in.

"I heard you don't allow anyone other than your assistant and secretary?" She said as Taehyung closed the door.
"You are my wife. You have access to all the rooms" he replied coming from behind Y/n and pulling her into a hug.
He gently pushed aside her hair and kissed her on the nape.
"Stop" Y/n said and he did immediately stopped.

"Well then what about the room in the corridor at the back of the living room?" Y/n asked smirking and he chuckled.
"You know what's in there already"
"I don't"
"Oh yeah?"
Taehyung raised his brows, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he leaned in and kissed her neck making his way up to her lips.
"You still do that?" Y/n asked in between the kisses.
"I don't get time now" he replied pulling her in for another kiss.

A week passed by in a blink of an eye. Taehyung came home early everyday, pampering his wife with whatever he could plan. Sometimes a Netflix movie date, sometimes he would show her around his greenhouse which Y/n visited for the first time. Preparing tea for her, sometimes bringing back huge bouquets of flowers. On the weekend he planned a luxurious date spoiling her like a princess, dancing and twirling around in the balcony of his favourite French restaurant, drunk in wine and making out in the car parked in a parking lot.

The maids were convinced that Taehyung was in love with the Lady of the House. So much that their Young Master whom they have seen being so workaholic, has been obsessing over his wife a little too much. However they didn't see their Lady displaying her affections. Never has she reached Taehyung for a kiss like he does when he leaves for work, or pulled him in a surprise hug or as a wife would do. Make him a meal of his liking.

When all of this was running through their heads, they ran into some big problem. As if the universe was not liking how the couple got along even though it very much seemed one sided. The recent event proved it to be exactly the case.

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