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"Oh my, I have been waiting forever 'Lady of the House'. Where have you been? Your guest has been waiting for far too long" the guest said with a sarcastic tone. Y/n maintained her pokerface which was actually Y/n's usual expression. It was just she smiled so much lately the maids were surprised and assumed she was pissed to see the "guest".

Y/n went to sit on an armchair and crossed her legs.
"Don't you have any manners Sera unnie? You inform or make appointments. You don't just come unannounced like some uncultured scum" Y/n replied and the guest who's name is Sera as mentioned by Y/n glared at Y/n and clenched her jaw.
The maids stared at Y/n in disbelief. They had always seen their Lady being polite and warm. They didn't think she would have this side of her.

"Still feisty huh Y/n. I wonder if that's what he's into. Toxic relationships..." She replied and Y/n shrugged.
"You will have to ask Taehyung himself for that. Even I'm surprised he came chasing after me" Y/n said as Ji-a served the tea and hurried back to the kitchen. The maids wanted to stay away and watch them from a safe distance, as if they would die from how uncomfortable the atmosphere was.

"I'll get straight to the point since that's what you like. I still love Taehyung. You think he chased after you but I will prove you wrong" Sera said balling her fists. However that seemed to not bother Y/n at all. Which ticked off Sera more.
"When he will sleep with me while you call him for hours on end, he won't pick it up because he's too busy filling me in! I will have him back and become the Mistress of the House, just you wait and watch" She got up and walked past Y/n's chair, her heels clacking against the tiles.

Y/n didn't get up. She remained seated and sipped the tea Ji-a brought them.
"Do whatever you want" she replied and heard Sera stop momentarily. Even though Y/n wasn't looking at her, she could tell Sera was shaking with anger right now.

Later that evening Taehyung came back and he was in a really good mood. They were having dinner as he asked Y/n about her day. Y/n told him of how she went to have tea with his mother and her mom and what all things they talked of. They seemed like the perfect couple, laughing away as they shared about their day to each other. However Y/n mentioned nothing about Sera's unannounced visit. She didn't think it was a significant issue until one of the twins spoke up.

"Sera ssi came by today Young Master" Taehyung stopped when he heard that and whipped his head in their direction.
"What time?" He asked as his fingers curled around his chopsticks.
"Around 7 pm this evening. Mistress even greeted her. I wonder why she did not say anything to you about it" she finished and Taehyung looked back at Y/n.

"She openly declared she will steal you from the Lady"
"I wonder if the Lady is so scared Sera ssi might do something to her that she didn't tell you"
The twins and Taehyung stared at Y/n while the Head Maid was absolutely boiling with anger.
"How dare you talk about the Lady of the House this way!? Have some manners!" The Head Maid shouted at them.

"Did Sera really say that?" He asked and Y/n nodded.
"What did you say then?" He asked again as she smiled. He seemed very uncomfortable. Y/n looked like a maniac smiling like that for a moment.

"I said to do whatever she wants" She replied and Taehyung breathed out in relief.
"That's good, you showed her you are confident that we won't fall apart that easily" Taehyung said and the Head Maid and Ji-a agreed as they nodded their head.
"Oh but that wasn't my intent at all" Y/n said crushing the hopes of both Taehyung and the maids.

"I said that simply because I don't care what you do with her. My role is to stay loyal to my vows and that's it. I don't know if you would do the same neither do I expect you to" she said staring at her nails and frowned when she found one of her nails broken from the side.

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