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Y/n went back home from uni, did a little bit of work before taking the rest of the day off. She wore a simple pair of blue jeans with a white shirt tucked in. She grabbed her sling bag and walked out the room.
"I'm heading out. I will try to get back early" she informed the Head Maid and she bowed as Y/n left the home.

"Oh! Y/n's here!"
"Hey! Is it true she got married?"
"Yeah! Can't you see the ring on her finger??"
"Her husband is really hot!"
"Oh come on, you are going to thirst over Y/n's man now!"
"What do you mean? Don't you know she stole him from his previous girlfriend"

This is what Y/n didn't like. People whispering behind her back and now she is the one who stole someone else's man when she didn't even knew whom she was going to get married to.
"Welcome Y/n! I'm glad you were able to make it. Your husband isn't that bad of a guy after all" The seonbae said and Y/n sighed.
"Come on! Move you fatass" He led Y/n to a seat while telling some other guy to move over.
"Y/nieee!" Her friends called her and Y/n's face brightened up. They came to her and sat in the empty seats beside her on which Joonho was going to sit. But he shrugged it off and continued to drink.

"We really shouldn't have come. You wouldn't have to listen to all that otherwise" Chaeyong said and Seyeong nodded looking at Y/n worriedly.
"It truly sickens me HOW PEOPLE CAN JUST JUDGE SOMEONE BASED ON SOME RUMOURS!" Mina said it loudly so the people who were whispering could hear it.
"ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOUR MARRIAGE WAS BECAUSE OF YOUR PARENTS!" Chaeyong joined in protecting their friend.

Y/n told them it's fine and that she was not bothered. I shouldn't care about what other people say right?
"Well well, let the real party begin alright?!" Joonho said tapping a spoon against a glass and then he raised his glass followed by everyone shouting cheers.
"Let's play a game!"
"Let's play the connect game!"
"You all know what a connect game is right?"

If person A says a word, person B has to say the next word related to the first word on the count of 3. If person A and B says the same word, they connect!
For example, person A: Garden
1, 2, 3
Person A: Green
Person B: Flowers
Now in this case they have to say the next word related to the previous two words.
For example: 1, 2, 3
Person A: Park
Person B: Trees
The game will continue until the two people connect.

"Let's say, the people who will connect will have to do a love shot, no exceptions!" Joonho said and everyone cheered with "yeah!"
"Wait, what about people like me who are in a relationship?" Seyeong said and they burst out laughing.
"Well it's your fault for being in a relationship! We said no exceptions that means no exceptions"
"I won't have it!" A guy from the far end table shouted and everyone laughed.
"Yah, look at this, Seyeong's boyfriend. You two are being too much don't you think?" One of the seniors said and they start bickering.

"How about if someone doesn't want to do it, we leave them be?" Y/n spoke up and everyone went quiet.
"Aish just start the game already we'll see about this later!"

The game started and the seniors started picking out everyone who said the same word. Even though they said they would spare the ones who did not want to do it, they just brushed it off and forced everyone.
1, 2, 3
Y/n and Joonho said the same word and everyone hooted.

"I'm sorry seonbae but I won't do it. But rather I can chug down a few glasses"
Y/n rejected suggesting an alternative when she saw him come over with his glass.
"Y/n it's fine~. Is it because of your husband? Don't worry he won't mind" he said walking over to Y/n.
"Its not about my husband liking it or not, I don't want to do it" she said firmly and everyone around them murmured. Joonho laughed a little.
"Calm down, it's just a love shot what's wrong with it?" He said but Y/n had that look of disdain.

"Come on, we just need to interlink arms and go at it, what's so hard about it?"
"I apologise, I don't want to sound rude. But I said, I don't want to do it. That's that" she said while everyone looked at them afraid something is about to go down.
"ARGH YOU BITCH" He yelled throwing his glass across the table. Fortunately no one got hurt but the atmosphere was certainly ruined.

"I'm sorry for this. I should get going" Y/n said getting up with her bag to leave when he grabbed her hair and pulled it.

She stomped on his foot making him yelp and let go of her hair. She raised her hand slapped him across the face. The loud sound echoed in the pub and people gasped.
Joonho slowly turned to Y/n his eyes bloodshot as he stared at Y/n infuriated.
"HOW DARE YOU, YOU WENCH!" He yelled raising his hand when Y/n kicked him real hard in the nuts.

He yelled out in pain and slumped on the nearest chair. Y/n gritted her teeth and stomped her foot on the table.
"I'm not fucking acting up because I married a big shot. I was, I am and I WILL ALWAYS FUCKING BE LIKE THIS!!!" She shouted at him, making everyone cover their ears due to her piercing voice.
"I have an identity beyond Mrs. Kim and I stole no one's man!" Joonho quivered in fear when Y/n glared at him dead in the eyes.
"Next time, watch your mouth when you speak to me. I'm letting you off today, I don't know what I will do if you dare to do this shit again" she said putting her foot down from the table.

Her jaw clenched, she grabbed her bag and was just about to leave when she saw Taehyung standing near the exit.

His hair covered his eyes but anyone could tell how his eyes looked. Menacing and ready to murder. Y/n wanted to ask him how did he know she was here but she thought it wasn't the time for that.
"Don't mind it, let's just go" she said walking past him waiting for him to follow her but he didn't listen. Instead he started walking towards Joonho.
"Taehyung!" Y/n called out not turning around.
After a brief silence she heard him approaching her so she nodded and left the pub. Everyone in the pub was left in awe of how powerful their presence was. They also didn't expect Y/n to be able to command The Kim Taehyung like that, they were astonished.
Taehyung led her to his car in silence while Y/n was fuming.

"How did you know I was here?" She asked getting into the passenger seat.
"I have my ways..." He replied reviving the engine to life.
"I know it all too well. I can sue your goons for stalking keep that in mind" Y/n said tossing her bag in the back seat.
"They don't follow you anymore" he said driving.
Y/n sighed.
"You were keeping an eye on me while you went ahead to study for taking over the company"

Taehyung said nothing and just kept his eyes on the road.
"Why did you come?"
"To pick you up" he replied simply.
"That I can see! But you never came to pick up except for when we used to go for lunch. Why now!?" Y/n shouted getting impatient.
"The maids said you would come back early so I waited. But it was already 9:30 and you weren't back. I got worried, so I came out to find you" he replied and then held up his phone.
"I messaged you and when you didn't reply I even tried calling you before I came out"

"I didn't hear it" she replied checking her phone.
"It's fine, I saw why you couldn't hear" he said looking mad.
"For how long were you waiting for me?"
"Well, I arrived but it seemed like you guys were having fun so I stayed out because I didn't want to disturb. But then I heard noise coming from inside and some people came out and started saying the college guys have gone crazy. So I stood behind the glass door to see. When he grabbed your hair I came inside. Just when I was about to come to your aid you slapped him and I realised I don't need to step in. So I waited for you to finish up" he completed and Y/n glanced at him.

"Good. At least you didn't involve in my business" she said and he shrugged.
"I just forgot how you used to be. That must have hurt alot" he said wincing as he recalled how Y/n slapped Joonho.
"What must have hurt alot?" Y/n asked and Taehyung gestured.
"That guy, who was yelling at you. I know because I have been through that. Your slap stings so bad" He said and Y/n laughed. 

"Right, you are the only guy to have been slapped that many times by me" She said chuckling as Taehyung glanced at her from the corners of his eyes. He loved the fact that Y/n was laughing with him.

He hasn't seen her laugh with him since back then.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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