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Y/n walked towards the campus cafeteria along with her friends. It was lunchtime and they had to quickly get there, get lunch and rush to their next class. But it would seem that fate won't have it for Taehyung was standing outside the college gates typing messages to Y/n, telling her to come out.

"He's been at it for a week now, the dedication" Mina said raising her eyebrows while they stared at the gate. Y/n tapped away at her phone, agitated while her friends enjoyed the attention.
"Wow, it's as if he is back to his old self. Following you around everywhere" Seyeong said while Y/n let out a frustrated growl. She stuffed all the books she had in her hands, into her bag while she spoke.
"He says he won't fucking move until I come out. Sorry guys, I will set him straight today for sure. Let's grab lunch together next time" she said walking away while her friends exchanged glances, all of them thinking the same thing.

"He is still crazy after her"

"Kim Taehyung, it's the last time I will have lunch with you, if you come to my college again, I swear I will do something in front of everyone and you won't like it" she warned him as she slammed the car door and pulled the seat belt.
"Why not? Do you not like having lunch with me?" He asked and she scoffed.
"You want the lie or the truth" she said and Taehyung just turned up the volume of the radio.
"How about nothing?" He said while Y/n said nothing but just stared out the window.

They had lunch and he dropped Y/n back to uni. Though it actually seemed like some sort of show off to the other students but it was quite the opposite. Y/n didn't want to be seen with Taehyung but he wanted it. He wanted to show the world how much they got along and how much he loves her. Which Y/n did not appreciate.

Not after she knew how the other students viewed her.
The next day, at the uni she was walking to the cafeteria. For real this time as she had strictly warned Taehyung not to be seen around her University. While Y/n and her friends ate, some guys who seemed older joined them.
"Hello ladies! My special greetings to Mrs. Kim" they were seniors so Y/n and her group cannot just ignore them. So they gave a small smile to greet them.
"Hello again, Joonho seonbae" Y/n gave a small bow to him followed by the rest of her group. He seemed pleased as he spread out his legs sitting comfortably, taking alot of space. It annoyed Y/n.

"Now this is how juniors should be greeting their seniors! Those first year girls know nothing. Neither does those arrogant bastards" he said talking about the freshmen this year.
Y/n and her group did not react the way Joonho wanted so he decided to say what he came for.

"Anyways, I bet you girls have already heard, we 3rd and 4th years are having a dinner tonight! I hope you four will come for sure! Especially you Y/n..." He said about to place his hand around Y/n's shoulder when she got up pretending to have finished her lunch.

"I'll think about it seonbae" she said giving a fake smile.
"Oh come on, do you think I don't know what that means!? Huh! I know you are turning down the offer right now but there's going to be a hell lot of soju and beer!" He tried tempting Y/n but Y/n still refused gently.
"I have work seonbae" she said bowing before she left to keep her plate and utensils in the bin.

But Joonho didn't give up as he followed her.
"Is it because of your husband? Oh come on, you are still a college student. He is way past his college life but he isn't letting his wife enjoy the same?" He said while Y/n dusted her hands.
"Its nothing like that, he's-"
"Then come! Its fine, it will only be just for a little while hmm?"
She bowed to him telling him she will definitely think about it while walking away.

"Are you guys going?" She asked the rest of her group.
"Well, I don't want to" Mina said walking lazily then she yawned.
"Same" Chaeyong said, her eyes on her phone. Y/n was satisfied hearing the answers and had already made up her mind not to go until
"I'm going" Seyeong joined in and everyone turned to her.

"Oppa is going to be there. He told me to come" Seyeong said blushing.
"You guys should come too, otherwise Joonho seonbae will make a scene and won't leave it unless you guys come to the next dinner party. If you have to come to the next one, why not just attend this one?" the rest of them looked at each other. They had to admit Seyeong was right but they were hesitant to agree.

"Sigh, if there is no other way then I guess I'm coming" Mina said giving up.
"If Seyeong's going then I will go" Chaeyong said and then all eyes were on Y/n.
"Um I...."
"Oh, you also have your husband to ask about it"
"Right hahaha"
This made Y/n upset. He doesn't get to make the decision for her. If she wants to go she will go even without having to inform him.
"Fine! I'll come. I was just worried about my work schedule okay!? I don't need to inform Taehyung about anything. He doesn't need to know" she turned away with a 'hmph!' and her friends laughed finding Y/n cute.

In the meanwhile at Taehyung's office, he was working away while thinking if he should get something for Y/n on his way back. In office everyone would ask Taehyung, why he was still coming to work right after marriage. Just like their mothers said. So he would just say that his wife is in college still and that she doesn't have time for honeymoons. And his co-workers would just quiet down.

Taehyung knew they sympathised with him because news had spread from his assistant and secretary that the mistress is a cold and quiet lady. Taehyung didn't mind though. He liked Y/n this way. She has always been this way and he knew what he was getting himself into when he started looking for her.

He was fine with it. Because he also didn't want a honeymoon. It would be loveless and Y/n would probably hate the idea of seeing him all day. She already hates having lunch with him, he doesn't want to force her into loving him. Taehyung wanted to take things slow to win her back.
Then they will have a honeymoon when he have earned her trust back. Which seems like a mirage in the desert but he has his whole life for that, now that they are married.

"Taehyung ah" A female voice called Taehyung and his eyebrows knitted together at the sight of the lady.
"We are not as close as we used to be Ms. Won, please address me either by my title or family name" he replied and she smiled.
"Alright, Mr. Kim. I won't" she said sitting in the chair in front of Taehyung's desk.

"To what do I owe this visit?" He asked reading some of the documents.
"I was here to suggest that we grab lunch together" she said and he glanced up at her before looking back at the files.
Taehyung said nothing and continued to read opening the cap of his fountain pen.
"I was told to talk to you about the investors list and the report regarding the sale of shares" this caught Taehyung's attention as looked up closing the file.

"You were in charge of it?" He asked and she nodded.
"I thought it was Minseok and Jun ha?" He enquired and Sera nodded.
"Previously they were, but after I joined I was given that role. They are handling the share accounts now" she replied while Taehyung stared at her suspecting if she was lying. However she just sat there, unafraid. Trusting his instincts he deduced that she was not.
If I get this over with, I won't have to meet her again later, and I would be able to go home early...
Taehyung brightened up at the thought of being able to go home early and will be with Y/n.

"Alright, let's discuss about it while having lunch" Taehyung replied and Sera nodded. She got up, bowed and turned on her heel gracefully, her long hair flowed with her movement.
The day soon got over with and Taehyung was now on his way back home.

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