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Y/n's stuff was arriving one by one all day long. So she was busy thinking where to keep all the stuff.
First some cardboard boxes came filled with the books she owned. She had them placed in the wardrobe room for now. The maids insisted on putting them on shelves and she was barely able to stop them from doing so. She didn't want them to see what kind of books she had. I admit to liking smut stories but that doesn't mean I want others to know that, she thought.

Along with the cardboards boxes came her laptop and tablet.
Upon seeing it she remembered her part time job she had taken a break from, due to the wedding. A major part of her allowance came from her parents so she decided to get a part time job at some magazine editorial to earn more. She mostly used to work offline even though she always had an option to work online. The break was only for a 5 days or so, but now the situation has come to this she decided to opt for that option.

In the evening since her whole body was stiff from sitting all day so she decided to go meet her friends. She felt a bit guilty because her friends were so caring and were willing to help her if she wanted to run away. She even gave them false gesture unknowingly when she hesitated back then. Even though they congratulated her with big smiles on their face during the Lunch, she wondered if they are kind of upset with her.

After she got ready she went to the kitchen to inform the maids.
"I'm going to meet my friends. I will be back before dinner" she informed smiling at them.
"Sure thing My Lady"
They saw her off. The bodyguards said
they would get the driver but she turned down the offer. 

"So how was your first night?" Mina asked Y/n, a smug smile on her face. 
"Yes it happened, but I won't talk about it" Y/n replied cutting a small sliver of the cake. 
"Aww" Mina let out disappointed. But Y/n had completely different thoughts all together. Turning to Seyeong, she looked at her and her friend noticed how Y/n stared at her. 
"Hey come on now, don't look at me like that. That was way back. I don't like him now. I have a better man than him" Seyeong said flexing while Chaeyong and Mina didn't try to hide their annoyance.
"Yeah yeah, make us singles jealous you two" Chaeyong said and Y/n laughed.
"I said absolutely nothing! Alright. It was just Mina asking and I replied. Stop dragging me into this" 
"Yeah but you are not single like us now. And that ring on your hand is making me more jealous" Mina said as she stared at Y/n's platinum band.
"Trust me, I don't like any part of this" Y/n replied looking at them.

"Yeah about that. Is he still..." Seyeong stopped and Y/n shrugged.
"I don't know anything. And I have decided not to care even if there's something like that. I'm going along with all this is because I don't want our parents to be worried" Y/n sipped on her latte and Chaeyong slammed her hands on the table.
"You could have just run away Y/n! Why did you even marry him?! You knew it the moment you saw him did you not? Or did you have a change of heart when you saw him...?" Her tone changed by the end and Y/n frowned.
"I wouldn't have said what I just said if I had a change of heart. I did not. I just don't care about what he does. I plan on carrying out the marriage loyally from my side"
"You still haven't answered my question. You had the chance to run away" she repeated and Y/n closed her eyes rethinking her decisions. 

I felt nothing when I saw him. Then why did I not run away back then? Was it because I was afraid of humiliation? Was it because of how happy my parents looked back then? Or was it because he had that big smile on his face. The same one I liked on his face. And the same one I hate now. 

By the time she came back, Taehyung was already home and waiting for her at the dinner table.

They ate dinner in silence. Only the clinks of cutlery echoed in the dining room. Until Taehyung spoke up.
"I have got you a black card. Use that from now on"
"That's fine, keep it. I don't want it" she replied but then realised how that must have came out so she correctly herself promptly.
"I don't need it. I have a part-time job at a magazine editorial" I replied and he stopped.
"Kim Taehyung's wife will do a part time job?" He said trying to show Y/n that she is a part of the world he lives in.
"No, it's just, I have a separate identity apart from being your wife. I want to embrace it and show I'm independent. People will just assume stuff I might not like" I replied and he chuckled.

"I can always shut them up you know" He suggested but she declined the offer.
"I can handle myself thank you. And don't worry, I'm well aware of my image" she said as she put in a spoonful of rice in her mouth.
"Alright" Taehyung chuckled finding her cute.
"Oh also..." He started and Y/n's gaze shifted to him.
"Don't make plans on the weekend" He said smiling and Y/n stopped as she stared at him.
".....why?" She asked him looking rather skeptical. At least that's what it seemed like to the maids as Ji-a and the head maid giggled, finding the newlywed truly adorable.

"Just....don't have any plans" He said finishing up his dinner.
"Alright..." Y/n let out wiping her mouth.
"Thank you for the wonderful dinner" Y/n turned to the Head Maid as she picked up the empty dishes.
"Please, My Lady, I can do it!" The head maid said but Y/n gestured her to leave her be. But she won't so Y/n scared her a little.
"If you don't stop now, the bowls will fall down and break" The head maid stepped back immediately and Y/n took the dishes to the kitchen and put them on the sink. She then took the sponge and started washing her dishes. Y/n lived in a normal family with no helpers around so she felt weird having someone else do her dishes.

"Next time...." Taehyung started while Y/n applied lotion on her hands.
"Let them do the dishes. I understand you were being considerate but I pay them so we don't have to do that Y/n" he said and she clicked her tongue. Maybe this time he is right. They do get a good pay for all this.
"Hmm" she hummed back in response getting up to put the lotion back in its place.
By the time she came back he was on the bed staring at his tablet.
"I heard all your belongings came today" He said and Y/n nodded.
"There's a room opposite to my Office in the living room. I will have it cleaned and painted. You can use that as your personal space" He said as she sat on her side of the bed.
"Can I sleep there?"
"No" He immediately denied and Y/n frowned.

"What were you saying? Not having plans on the weekend?" Y/n asked now that they were away from the eyes of the maids.
"Of course it's a date" he replied putting his tablet aside.
"Shush. I know, I know. Let's just go with what I said yeah?" He said putting a finger on her lips. Y/n's eyes narrowed, her gaze seemed cold when she stared at him.
"Okay" she replied pushing his hand away.

She then started adjusting her sheets and slid between them. Grabbing another pillow she kept to her left side because she would often roll out and fall from the bed. Taehyung took the remote of the curtains around the bed and pressed the buttons making the curtains veil the bed completely. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, snuggling closely.

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