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Y/n got a call when she was about to go grab some lunch with her friends at the University. Her mother is preparing a small tea party tomorrow afternoon for her mom and Y/n so they can catch up in person. Since Y/n is married and now has a husband, they thought they can talk about their married life together.
Y/n took out the best elegant dress she had to fit the event. Even though it was a casual meeting between the ladies of her family, she still needs to look her title now.

Upon her arrival at the Kim's Mansion the ladies who have already arrived and seated, brightened up seeing their beautiful daughter.
"Good afternoon! I apologise for being late!" Y/n smiled and wished them properly by bowing down.
"No you are not late! You are on time. We are the ones who are early" her mother laughed as she gestured her to take the seat. Y/n bowed gently before slipping into her chair.

The table was decorated with flowers, small lanterns, a desserts tray and different kinds of tea.
"It seems you have settled in well like you mentioned on call" Mother-in-law said passing a saucer and a cup to Y/n.
Y/n bowed as she reached for some more sugar to put in the tea.

"Of course, I like the house. And the maids were very welcoming and showed me around. Everything's nice" she replied stretching her lips into a wide smile.

"And did you wear my wedding gift?" Y/n's mom asked as both the older ladies giggled.
"I sure did, yes. You left me no other option mom" she replied and they chuckled.

"How is Taehyung doing? He let you come here so easily?"
"He didn't ask you to just stay with him?" The ladies were enjoying teasing Y/n so much but Y/n was unfazed as she smiled putting her cup back down.
"Well, it's not like he is at home either. So it's nothing like that" she replied grabbing a small cookie from the dessert tray.

"Huh!?" The ladies looked at Y/n and she jolted up because of their response.
"What is it?" She asked looking at them confused.
"Why is he not home?" Her mother-in-law asked and Y/n frowned.
"Where else would he be....he's at the office" Y/n replied eating the cookie while both the ladies exchanged a glance.

"Taehyung is going to office?"
"Right after marriage?" They bombarded her with questions.
"Well so am I, I am also attending college regularly and I have my work as well" Y/n replied picking up the cup and sipping tea.
"What!?" They both looked at her displeased.
"I mean, of course we are married now we will go back to our normal lives" Y/n shrugged and they just stared at her in disbelief.

"Oh come on! We knew you two would be like this! That's why....." Mother-in-law looked through her purse and pulled out two tickets.
"We have bought two tickets to Maldives for you guys. We were waiting for you guys to announce you are going on a honeymoon but that never happened!" The mother said waving the tickets in front of Y/n.
"And seeing you personally after marriage, it seems there was no such plan after all" Y/n's mom said clicking her tongue and shaking her head.

"We are busy mom" Y/n replied massaging her temples. They frowned.
"I know Y/n, you are not the romantic type. But Taehyung should have done something at least!" Her mom said leaning against the table.
"Even if he tried he knows he can't do it without my approval. And I won't settle for it even if he had booked everything" Y/n said folding her hands, her legs crossed. The mothers exhaled as they stared at her.

"But...what about grandchildren?"
They both looked at her with sad eyes.
But Y/n expected as much. So she was not surprised.

"That's off for another 5 years or so. I'm still in college! How can you two be like this? I'm still studying, I need to pursue my dream after college, work a few years, have a little freedom and do what I want with the money I earn. Taehyung may be accomplished but he should also get an opportunity to live for awhile without restraints. All his life he's been told to work harder and harder so he can take the lead, and now that he has finally done that, you marry him off" Y/n started rambling which seemed to have shut up the ladies. They just pursed their lips sitting quietly. Y/n exhaled calming myself down.

"We can't take the burden of a child right now. We are very young for that and we have to prepare ourselves for it. We don't want anything unplanned" she said and they looked up.
"That means you..."
"Yes we consummated with protection of course" she replied drinking her tea. Everyone around became uncomfortable at the mention of it.

"We all are adults, I don't get why you are all getting uncomfortable by this topic. Especially after you ask about grandchildren" Y/n sighed and again everyone was quiet fidgeting with their fingers.
"Please use those tickets to give yourself a break from life. Or four of you can go together" she suggested an alternative smiling at them as she started putting her stuff back in her purse.

"I'll get going now. I will be late for my work otherwise" Y/n said checking her wrist watch and getting up. She turned to them, bowed all the way down and flashed them a smile saying her byes.

Y/n entered the house pushing off her heels and placing them on the shelf at the side. She was greeted by the worried head maid. Y/n looked at her confused when the head maid turned to look at the living room. Y/n walked towards the railing and saw someone sitting on the couch. She frowned and looked back at the head maid. The maid urged her to go down and greet the person so Y/n walked down. She stopped when she saw who it was.

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