✿♡*.。Chapter 4。.*♡✿

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Third Person's P.O.V

Jungkook's lecture got over 10 minutes back but he was scared to go outside of the class..The reason being a certain senior... Jungkook didn't forgot anything about yesterday, infact he once again faced a sleepless night after joining this university and that too the reason being the same person..

After waiting for more 5 minutes he thought it's safe to go as the campus was already empty and why would the senior will wait for him just for the treat? He first made peace with his mind and thought to just trust his own assumption before moving out...

Jungkook was walking looking down because of two reasons first that he forgot to tie his shoelaces properly and is too lazy to do it..And the other being on safe side, IF the senior is still there than it will be easy for him to sneak out without being notice..


Jungkook stopped walking once he heard the voice of a car honk...Is he hearing things? He look around to detect from where the sound is coming and widen his eyes looking at his side..

There on exactly the side of him is standing the person, from whom he was running and was deliberately late to come out of the class looking all dashing leaning against his Mercedes 300 SLR...

There on exactly the side of him is standing the person, from whom he was running and was deliberately late to come out of the class looking all dashing leaning against his Mercedes 300 SLR

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Jungkook not having any option moved towards him...

"Were you running away from me?" Taehyung asked sternly once Jungkook was infront of him

Jungkook widen his eyes hearing him sounding angry...

"N-o, I- was looking for y-ou only.." Jungkook lied crossing his fingers behind..

Taehyung didn't believe him but still hmm..

"Come we are getting late.." Taehyung said

Jungkook nodded and was going to the otherside when Taehyung stopped him..


"Ha?" Jungkook look at him confusingly

Taehyung didn't said anything just bend down infront of him and started tieing his shoelaces Properly...
Jungkook widen his eyes seeing him doing that...He who was wearing extremely branded clothes without giving a fuck is now on ground and doing what? Tieing HIS shoelaces...

Till the time Jungkook was in shock taehyung already tied his shoelaces...He got up and dusted his pants which now had some dirt from the ground..

"Please be careful..." Taehyung said in his deep voice

Jungkook widen his eyes again hearing the elder saying that...Please? Wasn't he supposed to be arrogant and rude?? Then why is he being this sweet?? And pleasing him?? Did this man even know the meaning of please???
Jungkook was having train of thoughts..He was bought out of his judging world when Taehyung called him..

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