✿♡*.⁠。Chapter 18。⁠.*⁠♡✿

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Third Person's P.O.V

2 days Later..

It was two days break, after the fresher's party so both taekook couldn't meet but that doesn't stop them from chatting or even face timing!

Yeah you read it right, face timing, First Jungkook was conscious of it but it's Taehyung we are talking about, he somehow convinced the younger because he just couldn't stay for a minute without seeing his bub's face and here it was a talk of two whole days!!

After the party Jungkook who was just seeing Taehyung's protective caring side as a helping gesture started to change his thoughts and his way of seeing the senior..

Jungkook whole perception amended, the cheeks which used to get red because of embarrassment and overwhelming emotions now are changing to blush and shyness..

Jungkook who was avoiding those annoying butterflies from quite a lot time now started to acknowledge it but ofcourse he isn't on the stage of realisation, it will take some time but yeah his feelings have surely evolved...

He also has zero knowledge of what happened at Taehyung's home and he is very embarassed because of it, There are certain flashbacks which keep on hitting him at odd times but thats it! He tried to ask the senior subtly but sadly his queries were left unanswered, Taehyung only shut him up with :

"Bub you'll remember when it will be the right time for now to comfort your heart just learn that you didn't did anything which will make us uncomfortable!"

Hearing the words Jungkook left the matter, Thankfully he didn't did anything to embarassed himself..

Apart from taekook development, Jungkook also have some queries or you can say worries right at moment to deal with, it doesn't concern with Taehyung but his parents..

When he returned from the party, he recieved a very odd message from his parents, It wasn't even a message but a reply to the words Taehyung send when he was unconscious because of alcohol..It was :

Fairy 🤍

It alright kook, We aren't at home currently, had an urgent work, make sure you have a good night..
11 : 30 pm
Seen ✓

It was sent just few minutes before Taehyung drop him and considering their conservative acts, the message Taehyung send was replied after more than one hour! Also the message sound very cold as in a lot professional and he knew his Eomma never text him like that, it's always a heart emoji attached to every conversation!

His parents are very overprotective and them being so chill about him getting late doesn't settled right with him knowing how contemplated his father was behaving while leaving him at the party with the senior even being so vigilant..

Anyways his parents like promised came back home around 10:00 am in the morning looking tired and pale, Jungkook being the good kid didn't counter them with questions just politely welcome them with some fruit shake which he made for breakfast and then after that he asked them to rest, maybe they were up whole night for work and that's why are looking pale and tired? He thought!

Next Day..

Taehyung as usual came to pick his bub and they both entered university together..

Certain rumours and assumptions has been spreading around the campus related to the two but yeah it still hasn't reached to their ears..

"I'll come to pick you up for lunch..ok?" Taehyung gave Jungkook his bag and kissed his forehead..

Jungkook got shy at the gesture because all the students at the hallway were gawking at the scene..

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