✿♡*.⁠。Chapter 13。⁠.*♡✿

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Third Person's P.O.V

Taehyung parked the car infront of the decent looking house and came out of the car..

After that without waiting for the guards approval he marched inside..The two guards at the door panicked seeing the intruder and started shouting behind him to stop him but he payed no attention, his temper and mind was in too much rage to care..

"A word more and you will be 6 feet below the ground.." Taehyung grabbed the colar of one of the guard and pushed him back when the guard held him from behind..

Both the guards shivered hearing his dark deep voice and back away from him..

Taehyung then kicked the door harshly not caring to ring the bell and entered inside shouting for Jin..

"KIM SEOK-JIN, YOU BAST*RD COME OUT RIGHT NOW WHERE ARE YOU!!!" His angry voice hollard inside the empty house, the maid who was cooking in the kitchen flinched before coming to the living room..

"WHERE IS SEOK-JIN?" He shouted at the maid when he saw her coming out of kitchen..

Jin just came out of the bathroom all freshen up..He was just going to go downstairs to have his lunch when he heard an unexpected voice..

The voice of Kim Taehyung..

He immediately abundant the towel from which he was wiping his face and made his way downstairs thinking he might have head something wrong?

"What ha-.." Jin was stopped in the middle because just as Taehyung saw him he came forward and grap his collar in his hands..

"You fuck*er, How dare you be friends with my bub? Who the hell gave you permission??" Taehyung raged fill eyes were burning holes inside Jin's sculp..

He started trembling knowing what this anger of senior can do to him...

He was sh*t scared but at the same time confused..Bub?? Who is this?

"I a-m s-orry T-aehyung b-ut i- don't know w-hom y-ou a-re ta-lking a-bout?.." He asked gathering a lot of courage..

Taehyung chuckled dangerously hearing him..

"YOU! The Audacity !!! YOU!, don't know who my bub is..Let me lighten you..Jeon Jungkook..His mine..My bub..My possession..Stay away from him you fu*ker.." Taehyung spoke with his deep angry voice and if Seok-Jin was scared sh*tless before now he is petrified..

Jin nodded his head shockingly..Jeon Jungkook, the guy he befriend this morning?? If he knew about it before than he would've maintained a ten mile distanced from that boy.. Knowing how much of a possessive assh*le Kim Taehyung is and his anger is something you don't want to mess around!

"Good, Now you'll do as I say..You can talk with him inside the class as my bub want it..But Not more than two days..Don't approach him yourself, if he talk just reply..Okk?"
Jin again nodded his head like a puppet..

"Lastly One word about this to him and you'll be wipe out of this planet.." Taehyung jerked his collar back and left the house leaving a panicked Seok-Jin behind..

"He has gone mad!" Jin muttered before wiping his tears..

(2 days Later)

In this two days Taehyung as usual pick and drop Jungkook, except for that they couldn't meet, but Taehyung made sure to assign his squad a duty to be with his bub and make sure no other boy or any person approach him..

Jungkook was very upset because his friend Jin was avoiding him..

He first thought it might be his assumptions but no it's actually the case because just yesterday he was all bubbly and excited for freshers party, infact he was the one who approach younger than what happened??

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