✿♡*.⁠。Chapter 14。⁠.*⁠♡✿

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Third Person's P.O.V

Taehyung was waiting for his bub at the parking lot and just as he heard some students gasp he knew it must be because of his bub (so confident?), so without any further thinking he marched his way towards the source and found his bub with an older looking man..

"must be his dad." He thought and straightened his coat before approaching them..

As he was nearing towards them, he found his heartbeat dropping second by second because of the optimum devine beauty coming in his view..

His bub was looking majestic, phenomenal, appealing, alluring and what not in his baby pink outfit completely contrasting to what Taehyung was wearing..

His bub was looking majestic, phenomenal, appealing, alluring and what not in his baby pink outfit completely contrasting to what Taehyung was wearing

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(Jungkook's outfit)

"Absolute stunning.." Taehyung uttered when he reached infront of the pair..

Mr.Jeon confusingly look at him while Jungkook just blushed hard seeing and hearing the senior..

"Do we know you, young boy?"
Mr.Jeon asked in a stern voice not liking a boy standing so near to his son..

Before Taehyung could reply Jungkook spoke..

"A-ppa, he is the senior who has been helping me in this university.."
Taehyung gave Jungkook a pleasing look making the other to avoid looking at him because of nervousness..

"Ohh! Hello Mr.?" Mr.Jeon put forward his hand, relief after hearing his son..

"Kim Taehyung, the president of this university.." Taehyung accepted the hand and both shook their hands firmly

"Nice to meet you.."

"Same here sir.."

Taehyung for the first ever time in his life was giving respect to someone calling them sir except for his grandfather..If someone who know him, saw him now will definitely faint as his posture, voice and words were coming out so respectful!

"Now if you'll excuse, i would like to escort my son to the party?" Mr.Jeon took his sons hand before asking politely..

Taehyung did not like how the man was trying to avoid him..He was doing good job in masking his displeased expression..

Jungkook as if sensing the senior's sour mood held his Appa's hand..

"A-b, A-ppa I don't think you should enter inside, it's students party and it will only gain unnecessary attention.."

"What attention? I am not going to disturb anyone, I just want to make sure you'll enter safe.." Mr.Jeon oppose being firm on his decision..

Jungkook look down pouting, sighing in defeat..

Taehyung who was still standing there look at his bub's expression and found his heart clenched..He look at Mr.Jeon being mad but then calm himself before speaking..

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