8. Happily Ever After

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I held out my hand to feel the icy droplets make contact with my skin. There must have been some kind of mix up with the forecast, because they didn’t predict a rainfall at all. I went inside the conscience store again to buy an umbrella. Unfortunately, they were all sold out. Great. I’ll just have to run.

I gripped the plastic bag tightly before running. I stopped at the next store with a shed and wiped the teary droplets from my face. The neon lights of the video-game store caught my attention. Then as I peeked inside, I saw t Kenma. We didn’t share a proper conversation since that night. It has been two weeks and summer break was nearing its end.

I entered the store and walked to my friend. He seemed a bit shocked to see me but his face relaxed after a few seconds.

“Hey.” I smiled awkwardly.

Kenma looked away, “Hi…”

His eyes landed on my figure again and a frown followed, “You didn’t bring an umbrella with you?”

I shook my head, “No. Did you?”

The pudding-haired nodded before walking to the counter to pay for what I assumed was a new game.

I followed him outside. It was pouring down aggressively.

Kenma opened his red umbrella and took one step into the rain before turning around, “Aren’t you coming?”

With a satisfied smile, I joined him under the umbrella. I dared to sneak my arm around his. He didn’t seem to mind, which added to my confusion. Does he even have feelings for me?

We arrived at Kenma’s house not too soaked, but we still changed into dry clothes. I started to blow dry my hair and almost jumped through the roof when Kenma appeared in my dresser mirror.

“Something wrong?” I asked after putting down the drying tool.

Kenma walked towards me and turned my head to face my mirror. Then he continued my attempt to dry my strands. I sat speechless as the confusion and frustration built up inside me. After he dried my hair, he grabbed my brush and gently combed my knotted hair.

“You’re really confusing me, you know?” I finally said with my head down.

Kenma paused, “What?”

“What are you trying to achieve?” my throat felt dry and tears threatened to escape my eyes.

“I don’t underst…”

I interrupted him by suddenly standing up and turning around to face him, “Why are you pretending like that kiss never happened? Was it a mistake? Do you regret it? Did I disappoint you in some way?” I said in a calm, cracking voice.

Kenma’s eyes expanded, “No. It’s not that…”

I wiped my tears, “Then what is it, Kenma?”

“I’m scared, okay.” Kenma said uncharacteristically loud.

I took a step towards him, “What are scared of? Feelings? A relationship?”

Kenma shook his head, “I’m scared of disappointing and hurting you. I saw what Kuroo unintentionally did to you. I don’t want to cause you tears nor sadness,”He paused, cupped my cheek and inspected every inch of my face, “ I guess I already caused all those things, didn’t I?”

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