3. The Ducks

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Scooter was right. It wasn't that big. I could do this.

"Hey, Bunny?" Scooter stopped and looked down at me.

"Yeah?" I glanced up.

"I'm going to go meet Rick and the guys before we head into the Alumni Hall. Will you be okay getting there without me?" He let go of my shaking hand and put his still one on my shoulders.

"The big building over there?" I asked, pointing.

"That one right there." He nodded at me. "I'll go get the guys and we'll meet you there okay?"

"Okay." I gulped.

"You're going to be okay." He kissed my forehead. "Love you kiddo."

"Love you too." I mumbled as he ran off in the opposite direction.

"Okay Eloise. Let's go." I whispered to myself, continuing my walk.

"Shoot, that's the safest thing to do in my hood." I whipped my head around to see a group of teenagers around my age walking in the same direction I was headed.

"Hey, maybe she knows where it's at!" The southern accent caught me off guard.

"Howdy! My name's Dwayne. Do you happen to know how to get to Alumni Hall?" He shot me a sweet smile and extended a hand for me to shake.

I was so scared, I took his hand shaking. "H-hi, I'm Ella, and I- I'm actually headed there, so you guys can come with me.." I quickly let go of his hand and picked at my arm.

"Well that would be fantastic!" Dwayne grinned, tipping his hat to me.

"Hi, I'm Julie." She didn't stick out her hand for me to shake, instead giving me a small wave.

"Sup Vanilla Girl." The one with sunglasses said. "I'm Russ." He smirked and crossed his arms.

"This is Ken," Julie pointed to a shorter boy, "And this is Luis." She pointed to the attractive boy.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, gorgeous." He gave me a small bow.

"H-hello." My cheeks heated up and I looked to the ground.

"Luis, leave her alone." Julie groaned, shoving his shoulder.

"The hall's that big one up there, yeah?" Russ pointed ahead.

"Yeah you guys were going in the right direction." I nodded.

"Okay guys, leave the poor girl alone, she's terrified." Julie pushed the boys ahead.

We continued walking toward the building, Julie and I fell in step behind the boys.

"I'm sorry about them. I saw how uncomfortable they made you." She apologized.

"Oh, It's okay. I need to work on my people skills anyways." I smiled at her.

"So are you a freshman too?" She asked, turning over to me.

"Yeah, I'm here for cheerleading." I smiled at her.

"Really? I play hockey!" She gave me a surprised look.

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