4. Dumb Name

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Somehow, the Ducks managed to get themselves in the Deans office in a matter of seconds. Somehow, I also ended up in the Deans office, hopefully for unrelated reasons.

"Hi, I'm Charlie." The leader of the troupe stuck his hand out to me.

"Ella Holland." I smiled, giving his hand a quick shake.

"Oh, Ella, that's Connie and Guy," Julie pointed to the girl and guy holding hands in the corner, "That's Goldberg and Averman, ignore them if they're being idiots, " She pointed to two boys giggling to themselves, " That's Fulton, one of the Bash Bros," She pointed to a taller boy, who was cracking possibly every bone in his body, "And that's Adam."

The last boy Julie had pointed to had blonde hair, a sweet smile, and he made my knees weak.

"Hello? Earth to Bunny." Julie waved a hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I blinked, shaking my head.

"I said that's Adam." She laughed.

"I heard, yeah.." I looked to him again.

"Uh oh, here he comes." She giggled, nudging my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Adam Banks." He gave me the cutest smile and stuck his hand out.

"Hi, I'm Ella." I smiled, shaking his calloused, yet soft hand.

"You can learn a lot from ants." Dean Buckley's voice broke me out getting lost in Adam's baby blue eyes.

My head turned to see the rest of the Ducks standing around the ant farm, Dean Buckley behind them.

"These Brazilian fire ants can teach you a lot about successful societal structure. Come here. You see, there's one queen in there. The rest are dedicated worker ants. Everybody pulls their weight, no complaints. There's harmony and growth. Same here at Eden Hall," He turned to the ducks standing behind him, "Only, you are the workers. The backbone."

"And you're the queen?" Russ asked, turning his head to face Buckley, as his friends laughed.

"Hmm." Buckley's lips pressed into a thin line. "Off to class. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day." He waved us off.

"Oh, not you, Eloise." Everyone's head whipped around, wondering who was Eloise.

I put my head down and stayed put.

"Eloise? What kinda of dumb name is that?" The boy, whose name I learned was Goldberg, snickered.

"Hey, leave her alone." Adam shoved him, scowling.

I stood there shaking, arms quickly crossing to pick at each other. "I'm.. sorry.." I whispered, tearing more skin off my arm.

"Hey, Ella, easy." Julie pulled my arms apart.

My lip quivered, blood rushing down my arm.

"Oh dear. Let me call for Mr. Scott." Dean Buckley walked over to his office phone, shaking his head.

"Charlie, guys, go to class. Stop staring at her." Julie hissed, shooing the boys away.

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