9. Fight

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I was awoken by some yelling. My eyes jolted open as my body sprang forward.

I saw various fights out on the ice. The one that scared me the most was between Charlie and Adam. I was so worried about Adam, I hadn't even realized I was running towards them till I was swiftly climbing over the barrier and almost slipping on the ice.

"Adam! Stop!" I yelled out, trying to run without falling.

Neither boy's actions faltered.

"Adam, stop it!" I reached them, pulling Adam by his arm.

A whistle broke everyone up, followed by a man yelling 'Freeze'.

My grip on Adam's arm tightened to hold myself up as my head whipped around to see Mr. Orion.

"Thank god." I mumbled, pulling Adam slightly.

"Hey! Hey! Break it up!" He called to two Varsity boys still picking on someone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Break it up now! Hey! It's a damn good thing I'm not your coach. Now, get your team out of here now!" He yelled, pulling them by their shirt collars. "Varsity team, out! Let's go! Outta here! Let's go! You, out!"

"This ain't over." Cole yelled back at them.

"Get outta here." Mr.Orion nudged them.

"We're gonna destroy you guys." James said, glaring.

"Come on, let it go." Scooter pushed his friends forward.

"Come on Adam, let's go." I tugged his sleeve, wrapping my arm around his.

He helped me off the ice and towards the doors. I didn't let go of him until we were outside.

"We're going to crush those duck dorks at the Freshman-Varsity game." Cole growled.

"Hey! Enough!" I stopped in my tracks, yelling.

"What?" Rick's head turned to look at me.

"Just stop! They're kids, Rick! They're kids. Enough of this- this bullshit! I'm sick of it. Adam's sick of it!" I screamed, tears brining my eyes.

"Hey.." Scooter reached a hand out to me.

I pushed it away. "And you!" I pointed a finger at my brother.

"You're just sitting there! You say nothing! You let them walk all over Adam! You let them bully children! Kids! They're fourteen years old, maybe fifteen! You guys are seventeen, even eighteen years old! You're more mature- no, you're BETTER than this! All of you! I've known you guys for years! I know you're good people, but right now you're really shitty people." I cried, arms not crossing this time.

"Ella.." Scooter tried.

"No. I'm done. I'm done. Adam let's go." I sniffed, taking Adam's arm and pulling him with me.

I didn't turn back to look at anyone. I marched forward, dragging Adam along.

He didn't fight me. He didn't say a word.

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