23. Team Hang

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"HEY! If you're going to hit me with a pillow, at least be prepared for me to hit you back!" Chrissy laughed, smacking Julie with the feathered pillow again.

It had been almost two weeks since The Ducks had beaten Varsity.

Julie and Scooter were as awkward as ever around each other.

Chrissy and Dean had been on a not-together-but-together sort of relationship.

Chrissy and Julie had become good friends through me.

But, most importantly, Adam was my boyfriend.

It still amazed me and made me grin every time I thought about it.

"Chris! Hey! Quit that! Gang up on Ella with me damnit!" Julie huffed playfully, blocking Chrissy's hits.

I gasped, "Julie! No!"

The two looked at each other and grinned before turning to me, chasing me with their pillows.

I squealed, running downstairs. "Scooter! Help!"

My brother turned, seeing me be chased by two maniacs with pillows.

He smiled and started to laugh, "Sorry, Bunny, but you're on your own."

I huffed exasperated as I ran into the back yard, where most of the team was.

"Adam!" I yelled, dodging Julie.

He stood in front of me, trying not to laugh as I cowered behind him. "Jules, put the pillow down. Let's talk about this."

Julie stuck her tongue out at Adam before trying to hit me from around his side. She missed as Adam had caught her pillow between his arm and side.

Julie looked up, dropping the pillow as he took it and raised it above his head.

"Shit. Hey, uh, Banksie, let's talk now, yeah?" Julie backed away.

I smiled, kissing Adam on the cheek as a thank you before walking to talk to some of my other friends.

"Ella, your boyfriend makes a great bodyguard. Is he trying to steal my job?" Charlie chuckled, throwing his arm around me.

"Captain Ducky, you couldn't be replaced. Plus, Adam is too pretty to be in a fight" I grinned, poking his cheek.

Dean and Fulton were standing by Charlie, talking about something before Dean had noticed Chrissy, heading towards her and kissing her.

"Gross! Get a room!" I yelled, making a silly gag face as Charlie laughed.

Chrissy rolled her eyes at me, Deans arm around her.

Adam came over and threw his arm around me. "What's gross?"

I humbly shrugged. "Not sure. Chrissy and Dean might know."

Adam grins, giving me a quick kiss.

Chrissy laughed, pointing at me. "Ella's got a boyfriend!"

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