17. A "Friend" Date

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He spoke, curious to who was calling him at this time of day.

"Hey, Adam, would you wanna maybe hang out tonight? We could go see a movie or something." I blurted out, twirling a strand of hair.

"Oh, Hey, Ella. Of course. What time did you wanna go?" The smile was loudly presented in his calming voice.

Any ounce of anxiety I had at that moment washed away with his words.

"Well, how about in, let's say, an hour? I'm already at the mall and Chrissy just left so-" He cut me off.

"Wait, you're there by yourself?" I could hear the concern laced within his words.

"Yeah? I was here with Chrissy, but like I said she just left so-" Once more, he stopped me.

"I'm on my way now. Meet me by the Theater. Don't move until you see me, okay?" He spoke calmly but with meaning.

Adam was worried about me? What for?

I was completely fine by myself.

He hung up before I could answer.

I sighed, pulling out more change to actually call Scott this time.

It barely rang before he picked up.

"Hello?" He spoke, with the same amount of confusion as Adam had done.

"Hey Scott, it's Ella. I'm staying here for a bit and Adams coming so we can see a movie together." I spoke, standing on my tippy toes out of boredom.

"So, you're calling to tell me you're about to have a date with Banks?" Scott laughed.

"Not a date date. A friend date." I huffed, stomping back down on flat feet.

"Don't get sassy with me, missy." Scooter huffed, mimicking me.

"Meh meh meh." I mocked my hand and rolled my eyes.

"I hate you sometimes, Bunny." Scooter scoffed, clearly holding back a laugh.

"That's mean. I know you love me." I spoke, pretending he did not just say that.

"Hey, you're my sister, and I have every right to love-hate you sometimes." He laughed, the smile being heard through the phone.

"That's fair. I'll be back tonight, okay?" I smiled, content with the conversation.

"Okay, Love you be safe." Scott spoke warmly.

"Love you too." I put the phone back in its holder and walked towards the Theater.

It took 15 minutes for Adam to show up.

"Hey." He smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi Banksie." I grinned, hugging him tight.

"So, what movie did you wanna watch?" He pulled back, grabbing my hand.

"I heard Space Jam is supposed to be good." I shrugged, nodding my head towards the posters.

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