10. Father

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The next day, the Freshman had a game, meaning I had to throw on that stupid skirt and a wide plastic smile.

I hadn't spoken to anyone from the Varsity team since, well, me yelling at them.

Adam had called me yesterday afternoon when I woke up. We talked for hours.

We talked for so long that I almost forgot about everything. Adam seemed to have that effect on me.

I laughed so much my face and lungs were sore. Talking to Adam made me feel so much better about everything going on.

He said he'd sit behind the cheerleaders during the game so we could talk.

I was extremely grateful to have a friend as good as Adam.

The morning of the game, I actually felt good. I put on my uniform, fixed my hair, and applied my minimal makeup for the day. Tying my hair with a white ribbon, I heard my phone in my room ring.

I skipped over to my night stand, pulling up from the box and fiddling with the cord.

"Hi, this is Ella. To whom am I speaking?" I asked politely, as my mother taught me when I was younger.

"Hey, Ella. It's Adam." I heard the all too familiar voice speak.

The corners of my mouth quirked up into a grin. "Hey Adam, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd want to ride with me and my older brother to the game?" I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

I twirled my phone cord. "I was going to ride with Scooter, but yeah, sure, I'd love to."

"Co-cool. We'll be there at 10 ish. Is that okay?" He stuttered.

"Perfect. See you soon. Bye Adam." I said, glancing at the clock on my nightstand.

"Bye, Ella." His voice sounded different. Higher maybe?

I dropped the phone back onto its box, still smiling.

I jumped up to go look in the mirror. My face was all red, but I looked okay. My hair was fine, no flyaways. My outfit looked normal, no odd wrinkles or stains. My makeup looked like it always did, basic. My eyes met the mirror's. Why did I care how I looked around Adam?

I wore whatever I wanted around him, and he had seen me at some of my lowest points. Why did I suddenly care? Why was I suddenly self conscious?

My eyes wandered back over my body.

'Stop staring, it makes it worse.' I reminded myself, shaking my head.

I slipped on my white socks and shoes, glancing at the clock again.

20 till 10. Time to head outside.

I grabbed my cheer bag with my spare clothes and pompoms.

Heading downstairs I was met with a sight I hardly ever saw. My father.

"Oh, Eloise." He said, only glancing at me for a moment before returning back to the paper.

"Hi dad." I said, trying not to let him ruin my day.

"Where's your brother?" He asked, eyes still in the newspaper.

"I'm not sure." I responded, heading towards the door.

"That's alright. I love you dear." His eyes looked up at me.

I nodded, walking out the door.

Sitting down on the porch steps, I had to hold my head up to not let any tears fall. I breathed in and out slowly.

'I will not let him ruin my day'

'He will not ruin my day'

'I won't let my father ruin my day'

I was so focused on breathing and not crying I hadn't even notice a car pull up, Adam jumping out of the passengers seat.

"Hey, Ella, are you okay?" He asked, coming towards me.

I exhaled once more before nodding. "Yeah I'm okay. Just pre-game jitters."

"Scared of shaking your pompoms?" Adam laughed, causing me to smile and laugh with him.

"I guess it sounds silly." A smile grew on my face.

Adam held a hand out to me. "Let's go. I want to get the best seat in the house." He shot me a wink as I took his hand.

He pulled me up, letting go of my hand once I was up. I dusted off my skirt and grabbed my bag, following Adam into the backseat of his brothers car.

"Hello!" I gave his brother a wave, trying to be polite.

"Hey! I'm Zach." He turned, giving me a grin similar to Adam's. "Adam's told me tons about you."

Adam's eyes widened, punching his brothers shoulder. "Zach!"

"All good things, I hope?" I quirked up an eyebrow, smirking.

"Oh, Zach, she's so pretty, oh. Zach, oh she's a cheerleader. Oh, Zach she plays hockey!" Zach's voiced raised, mimicking Adam.

I giggled as Adam sunk in his seat.

"Well, that's sweet." I smiled, nudging Adam's shoulder.

"More like stalkery." Zach laughed.

The rest of the ride was filled with jokes and awful singing by Adam and I, including a performance of 'Take On Me' by A-ha.

I was able to hit the highest note miraculously, however Adam wasn't so lucky.

The screech he made was both the funniest and the most painful thing.

We laughed about it for a while.

Spending time with Adam was my favorite thing to do recently. I always wanted him whenever I thought of doing something. Adam just made everything more enjoyable.

As his brother pulled into the parking lot, I noticed Adam and I were seating right next to each other, our knees together.

I smiled to myself as his brother parked the car.

We climbed out, Adam jumping out first to hold open the door for me and offering to carry my bag.

The smile didn't leave my face the entire talk Adam walked with me. Adam truly made everything about my life seem so much better, and I loved that about him.

We entered the building, Adam holding yet another door for me.

"You got this. I'll be right behind you the whole time, okay?" He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled, taking my bag out of his hands.

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