Spencer Hope Dutton. Tiny. The youngest of the Dutton household, if only by a few minutes. She swore those few minutes after Kayce popped out were the only moments of peace she had in life...
Now Spencer's family is being pushed to the brink and her...
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"So we got an hour set aside for you two, and then we'll just turn it over to our DJ," Kristy, the bar manager, told the girls as they walked around the dance hall Saturday morning. Spencer sent a flabbergasted look to Sawyer, who did her best to keep her friend contained.
Sawyer turned to Kristy, smacking Spencer on the hip as she did. "Your boss told us two hours. I mean we are the reason you're even getting this many people tonight. I'd hate to have to back out and bring our friends elsewhere."
"No one wants to listen to you hussies whining into a microphone for that long." Kristy scoffed at Sawyer before turning to leave. Sawyer huffed, raising a hand to tell Spencer she was allowed to talk.
"Kristy," Spencer stated firmly, waiting for the bottle blonde to turn back to her. "Now I know you think you're hot shit 'cause you married rich and work for funsies."
Spencer strolled toward Kristy as she talked, her wide hand movements and reputation for losing it was clearly making the girl nervous. "But let me remind you that one, the boob job you bought with the money your husband gave you 'cause he cheated is lopsided. And two, I could buy you, your husband, your husband's ranch, and this fucking bar without even batting a damn eye."
Kristy gulped as she backed into the bar, looking around for help. But as soon as Spencer had opened her mouth the rest of the staff walked away, knowing better than to mess with the Dutton redhead.
"Now you want us to play for an hour, fine by me." Spencer laughed as she reached behind Kristy, pulling a bottle of Bulleit from the bar. "But, you know my sister Beth right? I know she won't be too happy, and I'm already not happy. And well shit, I'd hate to have to ask her to help me redecorate this place tonight. Is that what you want Kristy? You want us to spruce the place up for ya?"
Kristy shook her head as her lip quivered, making Spencer laugh as she pulled the stopper from the bottle and took a swig. "Great, we'll see you tonight, two hours of singing as my pretty friend mentioned. It's been a hoot Krusty."
"I-it's Kristy."
"I said what I said."
Spencer turned to Sawyer and shot her a grin, which made the blonde shake her head. Sawyer was very much becoming the sugar to Spencer's spice, playing the good cop before sending in the fucking tornado that was Spencer Dutton. But she laughed as she locked arms with the redhead, hollering back to Kristy a goodbye as Spencer took the bottle with them.
"You're a crazy fucking bitch!" Sawyer laughed loudly as the pair walked out of the bar.
Spencer stopped walking, fully turning toward her friend. "You absolutely loved that don't even fucking lie. And you're my sister now. Whatever you want, well that's what you got me for."
Spencer looked down to the sidewalk as she finished, feeling beyond corny and pathetic as she spoke. Of course she meant it, Sawyer had constantly been at her side since they met one another. Currently she was the most constant thing in Spencer's life. But what Spencer didn't know was that Sawyer felt the same about their friendship.