17. soldiers in her army

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Spencer smiled as she stood over her brother

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Spencer smiled as she stood over her brother. The only time she ever saw Kayce at peace, even when they were younger, was when he was asleep. Unfortunately for him, that peace was about to be ruined. Ever so carefully, Spencer lifted her hand inch by inch, making sure she had the right angle.

"Spencer, if you get one drop of water on me, you best be prepared to run," Kayce gritted out as he crossed his arms, his eyes still closed but a hint of a smile gracing his face at the exasperated groan his sister gave. At one point in his life, he had known Spencer like the back of his hand. And it seemed that even though time and secrets had driven a wedge in that relationship, the siblings still had that map tucked away.

Kayce sat up with a start, wiping the cold water off his face as he locked in on his twin sister in front of him. Her face held a cool expression, but he could see the grin fighting to bust onto her face. "I'm gonna get you!"

The twins took off, yelling as Kayce chased Spencer around the bunkhouse. The rest of the bunkhouse, in their various stages of getting ready, began to holler at the pair to keep it down. Lloyd, however, sat back and smiled, watching the siblings like they were ten years old again. He had been a part of their lives from the start, or at least as long as any of them could remember. And so he was happy to see the pair in some sort of good spirits before they set out for the morning.

Eventually Kayce stopped, leaning over as he huffed and caught his breath.

"You'd think chasing Tate around would keep us in shape," Spencer laughed as she sat in the chair next to him, huffing as well. "Little fucker should be a track star when he's older."

Kayce smiled and nodded. "As long as he isn't anything like me I'll be happy."

"You're a good man, Big Brother." Spencer's laughter sobered up quickly. "You've made a lot of mistakes, but you're learning from them. Tate should be proud to call you his father."

Kayce turned out of Spencer's stern stare, but nodded nonetheless. "This is your show today, Tiny. I'll follow your lead."

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Spencer looked over the street once more, making sure everyone was in position before turning to Rip.

"What did Beth want?"

"Told me I shouldn't be reckless," Rip surmised, "I told her she should listen to her own advice, didn't seem to like that too much."

"And?" Spencer could tell he was holding more of the conversation back when he didn't look her in the eye.

"She was surprised I would actually want to settle down, and didn't seem too happy when I told her I only cared about two things in life. You, and the ranch."

Spencer nodded, although she couldn't stop the blush that was rising to her cheeks. "Uhm, Sawyer said she should have the last of her stuff moved over by the time we get back."

"And what exactly does she think we're doing?"

Spencer hesitated. She hadn't exactly been forthcoming with Sawyer when the pair parted that morning. Granted, she didn't think it was in anyone's best interest to tell her blonde friend they were kidnapping and possibly hanging a man.



"I didn't really tell her anything, just said I wouldn't be able to help her and that she needed to hop off of Ryan for a little so he could run the cattle for the day."

Rip chuckled, and was going to respond, but Lloyd whistled and set the rest of the men and Spencer in motion. Spencer stood from her spot, pushing up off of the hood of Jenkin's SUV. She smiled mockingly, waving at the man as the rest of the wranglers surrounded him. Moving slowly, she sauntered up, smiling at the fear rolling off of Dan.

"Let's go for a drive Dan."

"I have places to be-"

"It wasn't an option Jenkins, gut in the fucking truck." Spencer's grin dropped, an ice cold composure taking over her. Dan looked at her, as if in shock that she had ever been the sweet girl that had worked for him months ago. "I told you once before, I would take you for everything you own Dan, I think it's time you learned."

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"You'll rot in prison for this," Dan stated, although the strain in his voice made it hard to hear him. Spencer chalked it up to nerves, but the noose around his neck could also be a factor. She had to admit though, she was annoyed Dan was looking to Rip for help. As if he would do anything short of what she wanted.

"Don't look at him, he's not gonna help you now Danny Boy," Spencer smiled once Dan's gaze fell on her. She waited, brushing a hand down Rebel's mane as he stood under Dan. "No, you look at my brother and you tell him what a piece of shit you are. I know it, everyone else here knows it, but it's time we brought Kayce up to speed. Now, I'm going to ask you one last time, did you purposefully try to kill my father in that trucking accident?"

Dan paused, trying to gather air to speak. "I'd consider it a convenient opportunity."

"Good, I'm glad you can be honest with yourself. Now, tell Kayce your big evil plan. I know I'd love to hear it."

"Do you know how much the Yellowstone is worth?" Dan gasped. "As soon as it hits the news we're building a hotel and casino, you're going to be priced out. Your taxes will hit eleven million dollars, and I'll buy you out for pennies on the dollar this time next year."

Spencer stepped back, watching as the weight of the situation at hand hit Kayce in the gut. She turned her attention to Rip, who nodded. He was proud of her for not resorting to violence, even if the noose had been her idea. But he also knew she just wanted to scare Jenkins, which seemed to be working quite well. A smack run out, Rebel sprinting off to the trailer in the distance, leaving Dan hanging. Spencer ran to grab him, but Kayce held her back.

"Let him hang."

She gaped at her brother for a moment, at the cold facade that had taken over his face. Lloyd and Jimmy stood shocked as well, waiting for someone to tell them what to do. No order came though, instead Spencer began to walk. And like soldiers in her army, the other men followed.

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