23. paid with blood

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Sawyer shook Spencer awake, surprised her friend was still even asleep despite the push out scheduled for the morning

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Sawyer shook Spencer awake, surprised her friend was still even asleep despite the push out scheduled for the morning. Why, Sawyer had no clue. Granted she hadn't asked anything when Spencer showed up at the door, just let the redhead in the night before.

"Leave me alone," Spencer grumbled as she turned over in bed, pulling the blankets over her head.

"C'mon, we can't be late Spencer," Sawyer protested.

"I can be late."

"Not on my watch Cowgirl."

Spencer stared at her friend, the pair locked eyes in a heated battle of who would blink first. Spencer groaned, pulling the covers back after she blinked, grumbling as she walked into the ensuite bathroom.

The pair were down at the fences in a matter of time, and Sawyer looked surprised to see everyone sitting around waiting. Spencer on the other hand, was less than shocked. She knew Kayce was never one to be on time, scoffing as she walked over to Rip.

"How was it?" She asked, looking around before looking up toward Rip who was the only one mounted.

Rip only shrugged. "It was fine, you don't need to worry about me Darlin'."

"That's the only thing I need to do." She winked, smacking her hand lightly on Rip's knee before walking toward her horse since Kayce had finally shown up. Spencer smirked at the nervous look that came over her brother's face as they locked eyes. They both knew she would be tougher to crack than Rip, and Rip sure as shit wasn't about to roll over to let Kayce take his spot.

"We'll push them out to the river, then hang them right into section nine," Kayce spoke, surprising the wranglers. "Colby and Ryan take lead. Avery, Cowboy, and Jimmy ride flank; Sawyer and Walker you're with me on swing. Rip, Lloyd and Spencer, you're on draft."

Kayce didn't leave for argument as he mounted his horse and began to trot out. He paused, however, when he realized only Cowboy and Walker had followed after him. The rest had all turned a questioning gaze to Rip and Spencer, as if waiting for their call. Rip began to lead his horse out, sending Lloyd after him, but still the rest sat.

Spencer waited with a smirk until she knew both her father and Kayce were looking in her direction. "C'mon now, we ain't got all day."

As soon as she spurred Rebel into action, the rest of the wranglers followed suit, taking off to their positions. Spencer trotted over to her father as she pulled her bandana up around her nose, speaking once it was snug.

"I hope you don't forget that."

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Spencer and Lloyd trotted along, watching as Rip and Kayce dropped off their horses and began to circle. She had filled Lloyd in on the drama of the night before when Rip had taken off after Walker into the woods. To say she was disappointed to see the waste of space return was an understatement.

Spencer stayed mounted on Rebel, causing Sawyer to pull her horse alongside her. The girls watched Rip and Kayce fight for a moment before Sawyer broke the silence.

"Is this why you stayed over last night?"

Spencer nodded. "I didn't want to stay in the house with Kayce, and I sure as shit wasn't about to stay in the bunkhouse."

"Are we going to just let this go?"

Spencer chuckled as she shook her head at Sawyer. Within a few months the blonde had easily adjusted to the less than savory lifestyle the ranch presented, taking even quicker to the criminal side of Yellowstone.

"The only thing we need to give them is time. Daddy will realize soon enough Kayce isn't cut out for this, and Kayce will realize these men aren't his."

Sawyer blinked. This was the first time any of Spencer's schemes had involved sitting back and waiting. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Spencer shot a bewildered look at Sawyer. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because the Spencer I know isn't one to sit back and wait."

Spencer waited as her brother spoke, although it seemed he was only directing his words at her. He knew she was coming for him. And she knew he would be ready when she did.

"It's all about the end game Sarge. I have nothing but time to make Kayce's life a living hell if I wanted to. But sometimes the threat is all you need to keep a man on his toes."

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