Chapter 13: Dont steal make-up from your mom

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It's the next day, a Tuesday. I walk down stairs to have breakfast before school. I walk inside the kitchen where my mom lurks. She makes two toasted Pop-Tarts. She puts each one on its separate plate. I walk up to her, smiling at her tiredly.
"Oh good morning sweetheart! How'd you sleep?" She asks, while handing me one of the plates that holds a Pop-Tart.
"Eh I slept okay.." I reply with a groggy voice, taking a big bite of my Pop-Tart and laying the plate back down on the counter.
"Hmm.. Oh! Guess what honey!"
"Mmm?" I hum, my eyes hooded.
"I got a job yesterday! Sorry I didn't tell you yesterday. I was very busy with getting stuff organized."
"Oh no it's fine.. I'm really happy for you" I congrats her, forcing a smile.
"Oh so that means you have to walk to and from school. Is that okay?" Mom asks.
I can feel my pupils grow bigger from the thoughts of Gerard. I get to walk with him every single day with our friends. Something about that just made me have my energy back. Without hesitation, I quickly nod yes with my eyes widen.
"O-Of course!" I shout out, jumping slightly.
Mom smiles and looks at me confused.
I shake my head and smile, "S-so what do you do for work?" I ask calmly, pretending I didn't just have an out burts from thinking about my friend.
"Um oh I'm just going to have my own office and do boring paper work stuff. Nothing fancy" mom chuckles out.
"Better than nothing I guess" I chuckle out.
"Anyways, the friends that you made yesterday, are you walking with them?"
"What are their names?" Mom asks as I walk out of the kitchen and behind the kitchen counter. Mom lays her elbow on the counter as she rests the side of her face on her hand, waiting for an answer.
I eat the last piece of my pop tart before answering, "Umm I think their names are Gerard, Frank, Ray, and...Mikey..I believe" I tell mom while I count with my fingers.
"Mhm! They are very funny guys"
"Oh and they are also in a band too! They're not popular.. Kinda like the outcast of the school I guess but they are very nice kids." I added
Mom nods, understanding.
"Well um I better get going and catch up to my friends."
"Hmm okay. Have a good day!" Mom looks at me with an eyebrow raised, suspecting me.
"Oh-" I turn to say something to mom before I step out of the house but getting cut off as she throws a extra house key at me, catching it.
I smile and turning, adjusting my messenger bag strap that hangs on my shoulder. I shove my house key in my pants pocket. I walk out of my house's walkway but remember something. I turn to my messenger bag and open the flap. I take out my iPod and headphones. I plug my headphones and pick a song on my red iPod. I scroll to find a song I enjoy very much, "Give me novacaine/She's a rebel" by Green Day. I put one of the buds in my ears as I play the song and push the iPod in my other pocket. I begin to walk again as the cold October wind brushes against my skin. I zone out but then see two figures walking on the other side of the road in front of me. I squint to see who it could be but then recognized them. Frank and Ray. I gasp in realization and smile.
"Frank!!! Ray!!!" I yell out, making it louder by my hands around my mouth.
They look over at me and smile in unison.
I run up to the side of the road and look both ways before running to them. (Yes kids look both ways! It's important) I get to them and breath heavily. They smile and say good morning to me.
"Heyy, How did you guys sleep last night?" I ask, making conversations with maybe my favorite people.( that includes Gerard and Mikey Chill)
"I slept pretty good actually!" Ray exclaims.
"You always have a good sleep" Frank scoffs and points at Ray with his thumb.
"Why are you so grumpy today?" Ray laughs out trying to rub Frank's hair witch Frank dodge Ray's hand.
"Well to answer you and Charlie's question, the neighbor's dog was barking all night so I'm pretty sure I got enough sleep." Frank sarcastically explains leaving a sleepy grin for us.
Me and Ray laugh from how sleep deprived he is.
"Are you sure you're tired from the dog or just from jacking off all night and smoking weed?" Ray asks, laughing after.
I laugh as Frank's eyes widen as his grumpiness drift away.
"Hey Frankie I didn't hear dogs barking last night." I add as Frank's cheeks glow pink.
Me and Ray die from laughter as Frank continues walking, still shocked. We finally calm down, walking in silence.
"Oh Charlie? Watcha listening to?" Ray asks as he leans forward to look at me from Frank being between us.
"Oh the song kinda finished right now but it was Give me novacaine/ she's a rebel."
"Oooo! I know Green Day's new album is so good!" Ray exclaims
"Mhm! It is!" I agreed
"Oh umm w-wheres Gerard and Mikey?" I ask looking around.
"W-we're heading to their house right now" Frank stutters out, finally talking again.
I nod but in the inside I was jumping in joy. Something about Gerard just wants me to k-
"Hey Charlie. We're here!" Ray and Frank call out me, breaking me out of my thoughts.
We stand outside of Gerard and Mikey's house. We walk up to their door, as we all knock on the door.
"Oh thank god you guys are here" Mikey says lowly as he opens the door, pulling us in.
"Hey! What's the matter?" Frank and Ray asks rushed and confused.
I stand there, next to the boys confused.
"I-is everything okay?!" I ask, wanting answers.
My mind rushes. Where's Gerard? Is he okay? Did something happen to him? Is Gerard hurt? Can I do something to help? Why do I care so much about him? God please let everything be alright.
"Gerard ran out of Make-up! Does anyone have any!? School starts in 15 minutes!" Mikey shouts.
Woah! I never heard Mikey yell before. Mikey is so shy I thought I'll never hear his voice louder than a laugh. I sigh in relief. Oh good, no ones hurt.
"Bro you got us all scared for nothing-" Frank says upset but I cut him off.
"No but my mom had some at home.. He just needs black right?" I ask rushed.
"Yes! Yes, just black, white, and red!" Mikey say louder than his usually mellow tone.
"Mhm! On my way!" I shout, dropping my bag and taking my iPod out of my pocket and headphones and shoving them in my messenger bag and running out of that house.
I run as fast as I can to my house. Shortly, I get to my house wiping my key out of my pocket and unlocking the door. I walk in, keeping the door open and shoving the key back in my pocket. I run upstairs. Luckily, mom's not home. I scurry into her room. I rummage through her makeup stuff. I grab the eyeshadow. Not sure if Gerard needs white eyeshadow or white foundation? Nah I'll just get both. I grab eyeliner just in case too. I hold them in my arms as I rush out of mom's room and down the stairs. I run out of the door and shut it. I try my best to lock. I lock the door and continue running to Gerard's. I quickly get there.
"Woah that was fast" Frank says, still having that sleeping voice in him.
Ray looks over at me breathing heavily and looking around for anyone, "Jeez! You got here quick" He laughs out. He guides me to Mikey.
"Charlie! Hurry.. Gerard's in the bathroom" Mikey quickly explains bringing me to the bathroom Gerard is in.
The bathroom door swings open that reveals a stress out Gerard. He looks at us with widen eyes. Woah. Gerard is still very pale with out make-up. Not as much but he still looks the same he's just missing the red and black shadowing around his eyes.
"Oh my god Charlie!!! Did you bring the make-up?!?!?!" Yells at me, looking at me concerned and rushed.
"U-uh- Ye-Yes!!!" I stutter out, showing him the cosmetics that cover my crossed arms.
Gerard takes them and sets them on the counter, quickly.
"Thank you so much" Gerard thanks softly and giving me a tight hug. Gerard squeezes me making me chuckle awkwardly.
Oh god I love how strong he is. He's looks and acts so gently but his strength doesn't match what he looks like. Such a mystery. Gerard is filled with so many surprises. I learn so much from this boy. I don't want home to stop hugging me but I have to tell him to let go.
"Oh um you are very welcome!" I shout out leaving a smile.
"Alright come on and put the make-up on! We're gonna be late!" I rush him.
"Oh yes! Right! Um okay I'll be done soon!" Gerard grabs the stuff and closes the door by his foot hitting the door.
Soon, Gerard finished his make-up and quickly walk to school. School is not a far walk from mine or any of my new friends' houses so I believe we're gonna make it on time.

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