Chapter 25: You're never gonna make it

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We get to Gee's house and get our stuff. We begin to walk to my house in the dark.

"You know.. I did feel some sort of like.. Confidence back there with Stacy.. Wh-when I walked away" Frank chuckles out as his frown turns into a small smile.

I smile, "That's my goal- Well Gee's goal.. Me and Gerard's goal is to have revenge" Gerard laughs and nods.

We get to my house and I quietly and slowly open the door.

"Be quite, my mom's asleep" I put my pointer finger against my lips, facing behind me at my band. They laugh softly as they quickly run inside.

I roll my eyes and goes up the stairs, quickly going to my room. The guys follow me and burst into my room. They begin to laugh and look around my room.

I laugh also as I close the door and jump onto my bed. They set up their sleeping bags in front of my bed.

"Hey why do you have a pink sleeping bag" Gee laughs out, looking over at Mikey.

"Mom thought it was cute" Mikey mumbles it and unrolls it. Gerard chuckles, making the rest of us laugh.

As we laugh, Frank jumps onto my bed out of nowhere. I yelp in surprise.

"Frank! What the fuck!" I yelled out but quickly cover my mouth with my hand. Worried to wake up my mom.

Frank begins to move my blanket and go under them, "What?! You have room for another person!"

"Shh!" We sternly shush Frank.

"Frank get out of my bed" I sigh and Frank huffs.

"Fine" Frank mumbles and crawls out, going to his blue sleeping bag.

"Hey I'm gonna go change into my pajamas in the bathroom, I'll be back" I get out of bed and walks pass the guys to my closet.

"Why can't you just change here?" Frank looks at me confused. The rest push Frank and Ray flicks him in his face.



"Stop fucking shushing me!"


Frank huffs, annoyed.

"I'm changing in there cuz I don't want my stupid friends to get fucking boners from seeing my bra"

Mikey blushes, Frank holds back a laugh, Ray gives Frank an annoyed look but.. Gerard.. He admires me as his nose turns a light shade of pink.

"Well I won't mind" Frank smirks as Gee quickly reaches over my bed and grabs a pillow, throwing it at Frank as Ray is about to hit Frank.

Frank falls over onto his back, "Ow! What the fuck was that for?!"

"Thanks, Gee" Ray laughs out and Frank grabs the pillow, smacking it against Ray's back.

Ray smirks and tackles Frank down as they "fight" and Mikey and Gerard add on. I shake my head and walk towards my bathroom.

"Don't break anything. I swear" I walk into my bathroom and lock the door. I change into a ripped Fall Out Boy shirt and PJ pants that had superheros on them.

I walk out as I hold my uniform and throwing it into my small laundry basket.

"Woah! I really like your pants, Charlie!" Gee looks down at my pants, quietly mumbling out the superheros names under his breath. I laugh softly and walk to my bedside table.

I pull out a small bottle that holds small pills in it and also pulls out a yellow note pad.

"Hey, What're those pills for?" Gerard gets up and walks over to me.

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