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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 :
i'm just gonna tase your balls



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THE MUSIC BLARED through the house, teens dancing through the entire house, a vibrant shade of blue and purple shining on everyone in the room she was in.

Brienne made her way through the crowd, a distasteful expression on her face as she looked for the group she had come with. Her right hand was holding a red solo cup full with cheap beer that was the only affordable thing for college students as she weaved through the busy crowd. And to her disappointment, it hadn't even given her a buzz.

Where are they? She felt like screaming at the random students. But Brienne preferred to only speak to those she had to. This included her friend group. It was a wonder her "best-friend" Tara even convinced her to go to a frat party, on Halloween nonetheless, Brienne's favorite holiday.

Suddenly, Brienne spotted two of the people in the friend group, Chad and Ethan, standing in front of a doorway, looking at something inside of the room. Chad was wearing no shirt and a cowboy hat, a black bandana around his neck.

Ethan was wearing a handmade (he had forced Brienne to sit by him as he slowly made it out of cardboard) suit of armor. Some of his curly dark brown hair peeked out from underneath the helmet, which had horn shapes poking downwards. Bits of pieces were plastered onto his black clothes which he was wearing underneath.

     He looked like a nerd, dressed like that, but she wasn't totally against it. Ethan was kind of cute when he acted like a nerd, even though she knew he was secretly a confident and rude—although it seemed only to her and sometimes Quinn—man.

Brienne snuck behind them, not like it was difficult, the music was playing so loud you wouldn't be able to hear someone scream, and leaned forward to greet in their ears, "Hello."

"Woah!" Chad jumped around rapidly with wide eyes.

Ethan did the same but he was less scared by her actions, more so entertained that she had frightened Chad. That was another thing, she had to listen to his hour long rants about Chad. Why Ethan didn't do rant with his family, she didn't know. Hell, she didn't even know why she actually listened to every word.

     "Hey, Brienne." Ethan looked excited, seeing as his eyes physically lit up. The girl gave him a small smile to acknowledge his words.

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