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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚 :
i'm not woodsboro


     THE GHOSTFACE ON the subway had played with them via a form of red-light green light with the flickering lights but ultimately was no threat

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THE GHOSTFACE ON the subway had played with them via a form of red-light green light with the flickering lights but ultimately was no threat. The group were all able to get to the old movie theater and found Kirby standing in front of it, waiting for them to arrive.

"Hey, I talked to Bailey." Kirby said once she turned around and found them approaching, "I've got everything set up."

No one responded, instead following Sam as they walked by the girl. Kirby counted the group, then noticed they were missing a few members, "Where's Mindy and Ethan?"

"They're five minutes behind us."

Brienne's lips tightened in worry. "Let's get you all inside." Kirby urged, taking a step towards the door when Sam spoke up,

"Not you." Sam had turned around, placing a hand on Danny's chest.

     Danny looked at his girlfriend in confusion, only realizing she was serious when he spotted her stern gaze, "What?"

"Don't trust anyone, remember?" Sam said with a soft voice, "We don't know you. Not really."

Danny took in a breath, staring down at his girlfriend, "You know me."

"You're not Woodsboro." Sam said, making Brienne tense. Brienne technically was Woodsboro, but they didn't know that, "I'm sorry."

The man took a few seconds to fully comprehend it. Then he nodded understandably, "It's okay. It's okay...I get it." He squeezed her arm comfortingly, "I get it. Be safe, okay?"

Danny placed a light kiss onto her cheek. Sam nodded once he pulled away, "You too." Her voice was slightly shaky as she tried not to get emotional.

The man gave them all one last glance before he started to walk away from them.

"Good call." Kirby affirmed once Sam turned towards the group.

The group took a few steps before Brienne brought up, "Um..." The group turned to her, "If we're going to the logic of 'not being Woodsboro.' I'm not either. I...I just don't want to be stuck outside alone."

The group all looked at each other. They began to talk—not so quietly—about whether or not she could join in. Brienne noticed Kirby eyeing her and just turned to the floor, nervous about the decision.

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