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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚 :



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     BRIENNE STARED DOWN at the item in her hand with solemn eyes and a heavy heart.

     It was a friendship bracelet. Tara had the corresponding one. They had bought it four months ago together when walking through the stores of Manhattan. Brienne remembered Tara's excited expression as she made the girl try it on, then saying they should buy them.

     Suddenly footsteps approached her. Brienne looked up and found one of the EMT's looking down at her with a pitiful look. Brienne noticed the two police officer's that were standing behind the lady but focused on the EMT.

     The lady had been the one who had sewed up her arm, the gash she had gotten on it was deep. Brienne assumed that the cops brought her over to try and calm her with familiarity rather than just two new faces.

     "Hey Brienne... Are you feeling better?" The lady asked with a kind smile.

     "Yes." Brienne nodded her head slightly.

     "Well, there are some officers here that would like you to recount exactly what happened for them." The lady introduced, moving out of the way slightly so that Brienne could have a better look at them.

     The ones lingering over your shoulder? Yes, I see them. She mused but kept her expression blank. "Okay." She acknowledged.

     "Alright, thank you miss." The female officer took a step forward as she dismissed the EMT. The EMT nodded before walking away.

     "Now, how did it all start?" The second officer asked.

     "We were on the subway, but when we were getting on, we got separated from our friends Mindy and Ethan." Brienne explained.

     "And who was with you?"

     "It was Chad, Tara, Sam, Danny and I on that subway." Brienne recalled honestly.

     "Okay," The officer wrote something down before they said, "you can continue."

     "Then we got off the subway and went to the theater where we met Kirby. Sam made Danny leave before we entered. She said something about him not being Woodsboro, but she let me in without a problem."

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