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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙣 :
stab stab stab


     SAM PULLED THE younger girl closer, immediately

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     SAM PULLED THE younger girl closer, immediately. Brienne squinted her eyes as she tried to see in front of her, "What do we do?"

     "We have to get Tara and Chad." Sam decided quickly, beginning to slowly and carefully walk into one direction, "This way."

     "Wait, what the fuck is playing?" Brienne interrupted, yanking Sam's arm and pulling her into the main room of the theater. She was trying to get Sam's attention on the screen.

     Once they were able to get a good look at it, they both realized it was one of the Stab movies playing.

     "Oh shit." Sam said as her eyes focused on the film showing on the torn screen. The sound of Tara's blood curdling scream snapped Sam out of it, and she quickly ordered, "We have to go!"

     Sam pulled Brienne with her as they made it to a door, although once they went to open it, they were beaten by Chad and Tara.

     "Go, go, go!" Chad shouted as they ran through the door.

     "It's Kirby!" Sam revealed as they ran further from the door, "She's the killer!"

     "No shit!" Chad said as he rushed to the gate, only to realize it was locked. He stopped and turned to the girls in horror, "We're trapped?"

     "Hey, what about that? There's an exit door!" Tara pointed out as she grabbed onto Brienne's arm, pointing up at the balcony, "Maybe it leads to the roof or something?"

     "Well, there's only one way to find out." Chad took charge, "Come on."

     The group started towards the stage, "Bailey's on the way—"

     Sam was cut off once a figure in the Ghostface costume jumped off of the stage, illuminated by the film which was still running. The Ghostface reached forward, striking at Sam first. She dodged it by dropping to the floor. However, Sam dropped the knife she had been holding because of this.

     Next the killer then swung at Chad, but he moved just in the knack of time to miss the strike. The Ghostface instead hitting the mannequin behind Chad and knocking the head off.

Once Chad noticed he shouted, "Beheadings!" Chad dodged the killer's strike once more, causing the killer to trip and fall to the floor.

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