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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 :
dammit chad


     BRIENNE MADE IT to her apartment and closed the door behind her, locking it as she dropped her bag off beside her

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BRIENNE MADE IT to her apartment and closed the door behind her, locking it as she dropped her bag off beside her.

     Her phone ringing made her stare at it for a few seconds before she picked it up, sliding her thumb against the screen to accept the call. She placed the phone to her ear, "Hello?"

"Hello Brienne." A familiar raspy voice was heard from the speaker playing by her right ear.

Brienne's eyes darkened as she rolled them, "Who is this?" It must have been Ethan or Quinn, because their father wouldn't play such pranks with such serious topics.

"You tell me." The voice cooed with a happy tone.

Brienne's grip on the phone tightened as she stuck her hand into her left pocket, feeling the outline of the pocketknife she always had upon her body. She was sure it was one of her partners, but she couldn't he sure. This was exactly what they just did to the boy from her class after all. So she didn't call out any names just in case.

"I don't feel like guessing." Brienne closer the door behind her, moving quietly into the hallway, "So why don't you just come out?"

"And ruin the fun?" The voice sounded like the person was frowning.

"How about this," Brienne hummed, "you come out your hiding spot or I'll fucking slit your throat."

The voice on the other line went quiet. Brienne stayed alert as she passed a closet door to her left. A tense quiet filled the air before the closet door suddenly swung open. Brienne was able to see the flash of a light blue shirt as she grabbed the person's arm and swung them into the wall, catching them off guard with how prepared she was. Then, her pocketknife ended up pressed threateningly under their throat as she pinned them.

The man raised his hands innocently, "Woah! Yield, yield!"

"Why the fuck are you calling me Ethan?" Brienne didn't lower the knife even as he gently tapped the arm keeping him pressed against the wall, trying to show he was tapping out.

     "I was just fucking around—" Ethan said but found his back getting picked up and re-slammed into the wall. He let out a grunt of surprise as his hands reached up and grasped her shoulders, looking deep into her eyes as she glared at him.

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