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𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 :
planning duo


     "AND YOU'RE SURE you won't be recognized somehow?" Ethan asked, leaning against the wall outside of the classroom as Brienne prepped to enter it

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     "AND YOU'RE SURE you won't be recognized somehow?" Ethan asked, leaning against the wall outside of the classroom as Brienne prepped to enter it. "Like... zero percent chance?"

"I've already told you I won't. Zero percent chance." Brienne huffed, feeling bitter about the truth of her statement. She gave Ethan a judging glare, "Besides, do you really think I'd willingly walk into there if I knew there was any chance of me being recognized? Do you think I'm stupid, Ethan?"

"Whatever," Ethan pushed himself off the wall, looking down both ways of the hall, "just don't ruin this for us."

"Yeah, yeah, just get out of here before they see you." Brienne brushed him off as she reached for the door. She waited for him to be gone before she opened it and entered. There were a few empty seats around the room, and no sign of the girls she was looking for. Not letting her disappointment show on her face, Brienne ventured into the room.

     Brienne gave her teacher, a beautiful blonde that was only an inch taller than herself, a small wave and smile, pretending to be shy. In reality she didn't care to be kind to anyone, but her act required it. The teacher waved back with a gummy smile, "Hello, I'm the professor of this class, Ms. Crane."

     "Brienne." The girl responded timidly, deciding to get a good impression on the teacher since you never know when you might need the teachers favor, "I'm happy this class was available. I can't wait to learn more about film."

     Ms. Crane gave the girl an even brighter smile, enjoying her presence already. She was glad her class wasn't full of only rude male students who thought they knew everything about slasher films. "Well, Brienne, I'm happy you chose this course. There are no assigned seats so just, sit wherever."

     Brienne listened and sat down in the side of the classroom where there were multiple seats open.

     After a few minutes Brienne heard the door open and subtly looked up, spotting two girls entering the room. Brienne recognized them quickly and looked down. After a few moments a figure suddenly stopped next to Brienne. The girl looked up, pretending as though she hadn't been watching the two girls approach her from her peripherals.

     The two girls looked at each other, as if asking who was going to speak first before the smaller one sighed. "Hi." Tara Carpenter said, breaking the few seconds of awkward eye contact.

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