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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚 :
familiarity in the small details


     "SORRY I'M LATE," Brienne excused as the Tara opened the door of their apartment for her, "I was doing homework

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"SORRY I'M LATE," Brienne excused as the Tara opened the door of their apartment for her, "I was doing homework."

"Are we calling Ethan homework now?" Tara questioned, a teasing smile on her face.

"What?" Brienne paused as Tara moved out of the way for her to enter. Waiting a few seconds before she entered, giving the girl a confused glance.

"Chad told me something very interesting." Tara lifted an eyebrow vaguely as she ended her sentence, "But, honestly, congrats. It's taken long enough for you two."

"You—...Chad!" She charged into the house, finding Chad slowly turning around. Everyone else watched in confused amusement, "Chad, you snitch."

"I had to tell someone!" Chad raised his hands innocently, "If anything, you should be happy it was only her."

Brienne sent him a scolding glare, but knew he had a point. With Chad's blabber mouth it was a surprise only Tara knew.

But once Brienne noticed Mindy's curious head poking out behind the kitchen's wall, she knew that his twin would soon learn. Mindy waved for Chad to enter the kitchen and Chad nodded before turning back to Brienne. Chad sent her an innocent look, pushing himself up from the seat, "I'm going to the kitchen."

Tara followed him into the kitchen, giving Brienne a small smile as she did so. Brienne huffed before she spotted Anika sitting on the couch by herself. Brienne liked Anika and found it unfortunate that she chose the wrong group of friends to mingle with. Now, Anika was in the way.

Tonight, the plan was that one of the people in the friend group would die. Anyone was fair game but Sam and Tara. Brienen hoped it wouldn't be Anika.

"Hey Anika," Brienne greeted as she walked over to the girl, taking a seat beside her on the soft cushion, "how are you?"

"I'm okay, how are you Brienne?" Anika smiled appreciatively at the girl, happy that someone had asked her how she was feeling. It seemed as though she too got excluded from the groups bonding moments since she too wasn't "Woodsboro."

"As good as I can be." Anika sent Brienne an understanding look before she turned back to the television.

They were only able to watch it for a few minutes before they heard Mindy gag as she was placing a fork down in the kitchen, "Will you two just make out already!"

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