Chapter 2

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Zoey P.o.v

My entire being was paralyzed, everything and everyone faded away. Was time paused? Or is it just me?

I didn't know if I should react or not. I don't know if he even wanted to acknowledge me. Should I pretend that we are strangers? But how can I, after all those years we spent together? How can I pretend that it didn't happen?

How can I forget how he dumped me? Our beautiful and memorable time didn't happen. Only God knows how I survived the heartbreak he caused me.

My ex-boyfriend. The man of my dream, the guy I thought I would spend my forever with. The same guy that tore my dreams and killed my spirit, he broke my heart in the most brutal way. Marco Alfonso, yes, the same Marco Alfonso that runs the biggest Italian mafia.

He is the one standing before me.

"Zoey." Luckily, Sophia snapped me out of the daze. I was the first to break the stare, I'm not going to let him see me weak.

"Are you okay, you've suddenly gone paled." May asked, concern dripping from her tone.

"I'm fine, I just feel suffocated from the crowd. But I'm fine." I smiled at them reassuringly. My eyes quickly found him, he was already walking on the stage. His face remains stoic, his demeanor and aural around is completely dangerous and frightening.

His walking style has changed as well, he sure has matured into a masterpiece. He is completely different from the Marco I knew.

I came to the realization that I no longer had an effect on him, I'm no longer his sunflower. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked back the tears in my eyes.

I'm not going to cry for him, not anymore. I've shed enough tears for him.

He got to the stage and faced the crowd, a little microphone was attached to his suit by one of his men. He cleared his throat to get the attention he already had before he began to address the crowd.

"Good morning everyone." He began, his voice, as expected, gone deep, his once light and smooth voice was now hoarse with bass.

"I want to thank everyone of you for your relentless effort towards the company without my presence." He paused, his eyes roamed the crowd until they found mine, but didn't last longer as he looked away almost immediately.

"I won't explain my absence from the company. But I can  assure you all that from now onwards, every department must report directly to my office." He waited for everyone to digest the information.

"I have an important announcement to make." This statement got everyone's attention, including mine.

"Told you so." Lucy whispered. Sophia immediately hushed her.

"Although, I bought this company. But I gave it to my wife. I will be in charge of the company until she is prepared to take control of it, and then she will be introduced."

Just like that, my world fell apart, any bit of hope left in me was instantly quenched. I didn't know where my feet were taking me until my hands pulled the door open. I ran out.

I ran, until my legs couldn't proceed anymore. And then I collapsed on a bench in a deserted area. I let it all out, all the years I told myself not to cry. It busted today. I can't hold back anymore, I am tired.

How come he could move on so easily while I couldn't live without the thought of him?

Am I just stupid, stupid to hope he will come back to me? I waited, waited on him. But that bastard got married. How can I be so foolish and naive?  I was waiting for the same guy that left me when I needed him most, and for what? To hear he is married?


Seventeen years old, I found my way to the cottage beside the local lake, not far from my house.

Marco built this cabin for us, as our safe heaven.

Usually, he'd be the one to come pick me up from home with his motorbike. It's unlike him to just ask me to come myself, but I didn't think something was off.

The door to the cabin was open. I pushed it wider to allow access. The first thing I saw after entering the small living area, was Marco. He was standing behind the window that looked over the lake. His stare was fit on the lake.

I doubt he even noticed as I entered.

I move closer and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

"Hi." I whispered softly, and took in his spicy and minty perfume in and breath out, relaxing against him more.

He has been here for me, and even for my mom, since dad died. My dad's death was unexpected and totally not welcome. It was a huge blow to our family.

Especially my mom. I think she lost her mind. But thankfully Marco was here for us, he has been our rock. And I am so grateful to him.

Marco took a deep breath before turning around to face me, but what I didn't expect was for him to pull away from me. Usually, he would wrap me in his arms.

"There is something I want to tell you." He groans, brushing his palm over his face, then buried them in his pocket.

"Okay, what is it." I asked, moving forward. I wanted to be in his embrace but he took a step back. This time I frowned, real hard.

"What's wrong? You kept moving away from me." I don't understand this cat and mouse chase, I just want to be close to him.

"I will be going away to school today." He finally spoke up after a long moment of silence.

"Okay? I know, because you've told me before." I am confused. Where is this conversation heading to?

"You told me you would be back once every four months, and we must keep in touch. That we will talk on the phone." I continued when I couldn't bear the silence anymore.

"Sure, I will miss you as much as you will miss me, but like you said....."

"I won't miss you." He cut me off mid sentence.

"What?" I was ranting early. Maybe that's why I heard wrong.

"I'm sorry Zoey, but we should break up." After he said that the only thing I could hear was the sound of my chest beating loud, I thought it would burst.

"You're kidding, right?" I tried to break a smile, hoping I was right. But the blank and dead look on his face told me otherwise. But I still refuse to believe anything at this moment.

"I'm not." He deadpanned.

"I'm going home when you are done with this stupid prank of yours. Call me." I turned around to walk away.

"This isn't a prank, I'm breaking with you. We have a long life ahead of us, and I need to focus on earning a degree. I don't want anyone to distract me, and you should also focus on your own life." His words halted me.

Distract? What was that supposed to mean?

"I am a distraction to you?"


I don't know how much time has passed since I have been sitting, but my legs are numb from being in one position for too long.

I tried standing up but to no avail, so I just sat back and waited for the numbness to go away. I took my phone from my bag. The checked the time.

It's already four in the evening, with only two hours left for closing. I might as well call in sick.

The second thing that shocked me was the amount of missed calls from my friends. Because I left early, they would be worried sick. I wrote a short message, saying that I was fine to them, before writing another one to Mrs. Rose.

I should go home and spend the rest of the day with mom.


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