Chapter 43

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Marco p.o.v

The car ride back home was tensed, whenever I reach for Zoey she flinches like I'm dangerous. Yes, I am a dangerous and vicious man to the world, I could kill without batting an eyelash. But I would die before a hair on her head gets hurt, I won't fucking harm her.

In fact, I would destroy anything that poses like a threat to her. The second she came down from the car, she raced to the door to escape me.

She has another think coming her way if she thinks she can escape me.

“The hell is wrong with you.” I had her trapped between the door she just burst through and myself.

“Let me go.” She demanded, but I'm having none of it. I'm fucking tired of the cat and mouse chase.

“Let go of me.” Zoey hissed, irritated, I was getting pissed. We were fine before we went to the brothel, what made her this angry.

“I won't fucking let go, not until you tell me who pissed you off.” I equally hissed.  “You've been distance since we came back from the brothel, you even flinched when I reach out to you.”

“Marco!!” A feminine voice called from behind me, I snapped around quickly. My mom and Aunt Tricia were but giving deaths glares.

“Let her go.” Mom snapped, which I easily did what she said. Her stare was intense and challenging, I looked away from her only to meet my dad and uncle Dario's stares.

“Come here baby.” Mom smiled softly at Zoey, opening her arms as a gesture for Zoey to go to her. Zoey went to her, mom led them to the kitchen.

“Teach him that the men in our family don't yell at their woman, instead they treat her like the Queen she is.” Aunt Tricia finally let go of my ear, after twisting it for a complete minute, before going after my mom.

I shook my head, then return my attention to my Dad and uncle Dario.

“Why did you bring your women here? Don't you guys have a home?” I scoffed at my words, as if they could say no to these women.

“Hey! Mind your language young man.” Uncle Dario warned, while trying so hard to hide his laughter.

“Welcome to the club son, they turn my house into a hotel when I brought your mom home. Except more of them in your house now.” Dad pats my back as I took my seat between them in the bar.

I took a giant gulp of whiskey from the glass dad served me.

“So tell us, why are you both fighting.” Uncle Dario asked, taking a sip from his glass.

“We weren't fighting, she became like this since we left the brothel.”

“You took your woman to the brothel? Don't let your mom hear this, or we will all be in trouble." Uncle Dario hissed while sneaking stare over his shoulder to check if mom is nearby.

“Angela was there with her minions.” I told them.

“Have you dealt with her case?” Dad asked. He wasn't in support of Angela joining us since the start, but he allowed me to do my thing and see the outcome myself.

“Mmm.” I hummed in reply.

“So what went wrong with your woman.” Uncle Dario probed.

“Truthfully, I have no clue.” I ran my palm over my face, a reminder of the fear in her eyes when she met my gaze in the car.

“Did Angela say anything thing to her?” He added.

“Not that I know of.” I have also thought of that but came out empty-handed.

They both patted my back as a sign of encouragement, we went silent after that.

“When are you planning to tell her?” Dad spoke breaking the silence.

I gave him a lost look, as I wasn't following what he was thinking.

“Zoey, when are you going to tell her of her biological parents and what happened to them.” He explained, causing me to tense once more.

This is a topic, or rather a hidden truth I would rather not visit, neither do I want to disclose to Zoey. I fear of what her reaction would be, of course, she won't be all laughing and smiling with me, applauding of what my family did to hers.

Worst, I'm scared that she might leave, which I won't blame her for. Nevertheless, she deserves the truth, but I'm just not ready yet.

“Not any time soon.” I responded.

I could feel both their stare on me, but I ignored it, keeping a straight face.

“A free advised son, she deserves to know. And it should be from you, not from anyone else, else the consequences maybe too bad.” Uncle Dario advised.

I nod to his words, which are true, but I don't think it just the right time.

I glance at the kitchen door, hoping to see her beautiful face, I look away when I see no sign of her coming out.

“Don't bother, they are planning your death sentence in there.” Uncle Dario joked.

“I want to be alone with my woman, but you guys keeps showing up one after the other.” I wasn't irritated that are here, but was pissed that they kept Zoey from my sight.

“Get used to it, son.”

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