92. ~ Their Persistence

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Hey Loveliess !!!!!!

Please, this time the part of Krish and Arshi, it take my precious time, my imagination and efforts to write it down.

Please!!! Okay!!!


Why I can't write poems,

 about YOU.

~ Rohan & Krish   

Author's POV

Next day morning......


"TRING !!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ishana opened her eyes and blinked few times to get clear view. She frown thinking, who put the alarm as she wasn't the one. She doesn't needs one.

And why would she needs an alarm when her nightmares are enough to break her slumber.

She look at her side to see Kshitij sleeping peacefully, cuddling to her chest like a ball and his small lips pouted. She ruffle his hairs and pulled the comforter over him properly.

She pick her phone from the side table but frown seeing a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and fake wild-flowers; kept on the table

"It's beautiful. Who kept it here?" She pick the bouquet as she noticed a tag with it.

Good Morning, Sweetheart

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Good Morning, Sweetheart.

Ishana sighed reading it as she saw hand draw little heart with it too.

"Why Rohan? Just why?? Why you're making me behave so cruel to you? Why you're so hell bend to come in my life?" She muttered and sighed

"Don't force me act cold with you. Why can't you just act like past. The rude, mean and arrogant, who hates me. Who gets irritated with my presence." She tighten the hold over the bouquet as her heart bleeds to throw it away

After contemplating for a moment, she decided to throw the bouquet. "VB!" The sudden call startled Ishana as the bouquet fall down on the table

She turned to see, Kshitij seating on the bed in half dozing state, rubbing his both eyes and lower lip wet cause of saliva

"Good Morning, my boy." Ishana hugged him and kissed his crown as he tried hard to hug her body fully with his little arms

"Let's go, we'll brush our teeth." Ishana pick him up as he yawned loudly

"Kshitij. Stay still." Ishana said the same word for the seventh time, as the boy keep moving

"VB, who gave this??" Kshitij pick the bouquet again, as She sighed and pulled him back and wiped his wet hairs

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