13 | Tourists (F3)

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Happy birthday to me.

Finally 19, 1 more year and I'm no longer a teen. How time flies.

Before I get out of bed, I check my phone and see thousands of Happy Birthdays from my friends, family and even some of Pablo's friends.

When I wake up and get ready for the morning, I decide to make Pab & I's favorite breakfast.

First Pab walks into the living room all grumpy & sad.

"Good morning, Elli. Where am I again?"

A child. I'm a twin to a child.

"Pablo, today is your- our birthday and you're in New York. Remember?"

He yawns and finally awakens.

"Oh, that's right. Happy birthday sis."

I shake my head and laugh. "Happy birthday Gavira #2. Go wash your face and by then breakfast will be ready."

"Alright thanks, Mom."

He walks out and goes to the bathroom.

Once he's out of the living room, I can hear him & Pedri fighting about who gets to use the bathroom first, and obviously Pab goes first since, "It's his birthday".

Pedri enters the living room and thinks he's alone so he whisper curses Pab.

"Fuck you, Gav. You got lucky. You li-"

"Oh. Hi, Lina. Didn't see you there."

I try not to laugh or cringe when responding.

"Hey, Pedri. Good morning to you. I hope you like pancakes and all the fixings, I made some. It's Pablo & I's favorite breakfast."

He looks stunned. I don't know if it's about me or the food.

"No yeah, of course that's good. Oh, and Happy birthday Lina."

"Thank you."

There's now tension.

I could kill it with a knife.

It's weird.

He clears his throat to finally say something.

"So Lina, I haven't seen you in a while. How are you? How's NYC treating you?"

He's trying. I appreciate it. 

"Good, very good actually. New York has been on my wishlist for so long, I'm so glad I could live here, let alone study here."

He smiles at me with that smile. Like he's fascinated.

That smile.

"I'm sure. We missed you back in Spain. We meaning Gavi & I of course."

Are you sure it's we in this case Pedri?

Did I miss Pedri?

His smile, his eyes, his attitude?

Ok, maybe a little bit.

It's all too much. 

"I missed you guys too." I smile at him and get back to finishing up breakfast and setting it up on the table.

Pablo finally gets back from the bathroom and sits down ready for his pancakes.

Pedri takes a bite of the potatoes and rolls his eyes back.

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now