Russian Lullaby

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A/N: Yes those are my shoes and my friends, that photo was taken after we got back from orchestra competitions :D

It had been two weeks since Fyodor was sent to the juvenile detention center. It wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be. Yeah sure there were a few kids who were mentally insane or simply screamed for hours on end, not even screaming a word, just a pitch.

Dazai and him had just gotten back from supper. They had beans, which neither Fyodor or Dazai ate, miso soup, and a cookie along with a glass of water.

The two boys sat in their cell on Fyodor's bed. The amethyst eyed boy read while the brunette sat beside him and read as well, it was the only thing that they could really do.

Though Dazai usually just read in peace even when he found it boring. But that night, for some reason it was especially boring. Osamu groaned and flopped onto the uncomfortable bed.

Fyodor looked over to him. "Is something wrong?" Dazai sat up. "Yes, im bored." Fyodor took note of what page he was on and closed him book. He sat it beside him then pulled his knees to his chest with his arms. Fyodor looked towards Dazai and rested his head on his knees. "Well, it is quite late. And we should be asleep by now, would you like to go to bed?"

Osamu thought to himself for a moment. He was not tired though he should be. And so he knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep even if her tried.

"Im not tired though." Fyodor hummed in response. "And i know i will not be able to fall asleep." Dazai decided to be honest, while Fyodor thought of ways to help the other to sleep.

Finally, he remembered back to when he was younger and had trouble sleeping. His grandmother would kiss his forehead, lay his head on her lap, and sing him a lullaby in Russian. "I can attempt to put you to sleep if you would like." Fyodor spoke after remembering the lyrics to the lullaby, just incase Dazai did want him to try and put him to sleep.

"Go ahead, i'll be awake all night if not." Fyodor nodded at the others response. "Come here then." Fyodor spoke with with a calm tone instead of a forceful one.

Dazai did not question it and went beside the black haired male. The amethyst eyed boy laid his legs down and placed his hands beside him.

Fyodor cupped the brunette's left cheek then moved Dazai's hair from his forehead with his free hand and lightly kissed it. Dazai was shocked but said nor did anything about it.

Dostoevsky brought the others head down to his lap without any force while Dazai let him.

The side of Dazai's face was on Fyodor's lap as he positioned himself comfortably.

The amethyst eyed boy caressed the brunette's faced, then started quietly singing.

"Спи, младенец мой прекраснмй,
Ьаюшки-ьаю. (Sleep, good boy, my beautiful.)
Тихо смотрит месяц яснмй, (Quietly the moon is looking)
В колыбель тьою. (Into your cradle) 
Стану сказывать я сказки. (I will tell you fairy tells)
Песенку спою, (And sing you little songs)"

Fyodor's voice had such grace to it, Dazai was practically hypnotized by it.

He closed his eyes as he felt them getting heavy. He didn't want to fall asleep just yet, but he couldn't stop himself from dozing off.

Fyodor watched him fall asleep, as he continued to sing. Though once the other was fully asleep he stopped. He didn't think this far ahead so he didn't know what he should do from this point on. He sighed and took the pillow he used all the nights he had been here, he slowly started lifting the others head as well putting the pillow underneath Dazai's head.

Unfortunately though, Dazai had other plans. Fyodor knew that the other would move and talk in his sleep but it was shocking to him when Dazai gripped his thigh with his left hand that had been resting there. Fyodor stopped attempting to place the pillow under the others head, instead just placed the brunettes head back onto his lap.

Dazai's grip on Dostoevsky's thigh loosened and visible face emotion relaxed.

Fyodor decided to just sleep like that leaning against the hard wall, with the pillow behind him for some comfort. He covered the other boy up before placing the pillow behind him and drifting off to sleep.

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