Trouble & Strawberry Chapstick

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Warning: slight smut??

Dazai and Fyodor sat down together, as always, and spoke with each other.

This time they ate a bit of the horrid food. Only because if they hadn't they would've most likely pasted out the next time they attempted to walk.Dazai was talking about things he could do to make a little fun around here. But Fyodor was shutting down every idea.

The brunette let out a deep sigh. "Alright, i'm going to go tell Nikolai something. I'll be back." Fyodor nodded at Dazai's words and watched him get up.

"Dazai. I thought i told you not to." Fyodor shot a serious look at Dazai. He realized that the cup of beans was missing from Dazai's tray. "Oh c'mon. It'll be fine." Dazai whispered with a devious smirk as he walked in the direction of a group.

A grunt came from Fyodor as he kept an eye on Dazai. Secretly wondering how this would play out.

Dazai passed the group, unnoticed and doing seemingly nothing. But when Dazai sat down next to Nikolai a yell came from one of the group members. "What the hell?!" A short ginger with a long rat tail hair cut yell loudly. The ginger took off his shirt that had beans now in it.

The group started gossiping along with the whole cafeteria. Fyodor sighed and looked back down at his tray, seemingly thankful Dazai didn't get caught with that reckless move.

Police officers did nothing and watched the commotion since there was physical no trouble. It was a minute before Dazai reappeared next to Fyodor.

"Wasn't that fun?" A giggled followed Dazai's words.

"No, you're just lucky you didn't get caught. And what did that kid even do to you?" Fyodor looked up at Dazai. The two of them then getting up and throwing their styrofoam trays away. "Well, if you must know, he reminds me of a chihuahua. And i'm not very fond of dogs." Dazai spoke as if he were an innocent civilian.

Fyodor rolled his eyes as they just walked around a bit before going back to their cells.

"Tell me. When do you get out of here?" Dazai asked Fyodor as he strolled with his hands resting on his neck. "June fourth in two years. What about you?" Fyodor spoke looking in front of him.

"I get out in two years too, but only in march instead." Dazai said smiling.

The couple arrived at their cell and went in with their cell door being shut for the night. They both sat down on Fyodor's bed with Dazai relaxing despite it being fairly uncomfortable.

Fyodor pulled out his chapstick and applied it to his bottom lip. He then rubbed his lips together with a pop. Dazai watched Fyodor do this and pouted.

"How come you get chapstick?" Dazai slumped and extended the 'ck' in his words. "Because i brought it." Fyodor spoke causing Dazai to huff.

"Please let me use some!" Dazai begged with puppy eyes. Fyodor looked Dazai up and down as he put away his chapstick and rolled his eyes. Fyodor grabbed Dazai's chin and kissed him. Passionately enough to get the chapstick rubbed into Dazai's lips.

But Dazai looked at Fyodor shocked. He unexpectedly wasn't angry, just surprised. His face slowly grew with blush but tried to cover his face.

"What was that about?!" Dazai's ears were red as he spoke. Though Fyodor didn't see the issue. "You asked me to let you use some, so i did."

The brunette hesitantly removed his hands from his face. "Do you think... that you can.... Do that again, please?" Dazai whispered but Fyodor could still hear him.

The amethyst-eyed boy hummed to himself. "Well, i suppose i can." Fyodor leaned forward and kissed Dazai again, only with his eyes closed this time. Dazai kissed Fyodor back as he used his hands to keep him up.

Slowly their kiss became a make out session. Fyodor's tongue was in Dazai's mouth. Dazai let little whimpers into the kiss as Fyodor sucked on his tongue.

Fyodor eventually broke the kiss with the both of them panting heavily.

"I-I should go to bed." Dazai said as he quickly got up and went to the top bunk. Fyodor watched him as he calmed himself down. "Why'd i do that?"

A/N: i think this may be my longest part to this story- 🫢 idk though 😋

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